Chapter 23

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After Ginny had left to join her friends at breakfast, Draco and Blaise shared a look. A book that could kill. It sounded far fetched, but Ginny had looked truly worried.

"Never thought a book would break such a strong friendship," Blaise sighed.

Even though he wasn't a friend of the two Gryffindors, he could see the trust between them. They were insanely loyal. It made no sense that Hermione would throw that all away over some book that could potentially kill her.

"Honestly me neither. But it is Granger," Draco shrugged, casually slipping a slight insult.

Blaise rolled his eyes. It seemed the feud between the two would never end. "We have class, come on."

Draco reluctantly stood and joined Blaise outside the Head Rooms. The two had charms with Hufflepuffs first. Thankfully, the classroom was just down the hall. It would be interesting with Blaise in the same room as Hannah merely two days after the date.

. . . . .

Draco and Blaise managed to get through their classes without running into Hermione or Ginny. Unfortunately for them, their streak was broken outside the potions classroom. When they arrived ten minutes early, they discovered Hermione, Ginny, and Neville in a heated conversation.

"I'm not giving you the book, Hermione. That's final," Neville said sternly.

"Yes you are. It's mine. I'm reading it," Hermione all but screamed.

"Hermione, it's not safe. Neville has a point. He's the only one who can read it," Ginny begged.

"I told you I wasn't speaking to you," Hermione growled turning back to Neville. "Give me my book!"

"No! I told you, you can't read it yet," Neville sighed in exasperation.

Ginny suddenly froze. After a moment it caught the attention of Neville and Hermione. Ginny seized Neville's hand and dragged him off.

"Those idiots!" Hermione exclaimed. She really hated them at the moment.

"Calm down Granger," Blaise said stepping closer to the fuming witch.

Hermione turned and glared harshly at him. "Shut up, Zabini. This has nothing to do with you."

"He was just trying to help. Don't go snapping at him!" Draco, ironically, snapped.

"Don't tell me what to do, Malfoy," Her glared coldly towards him.

"I'll do what I bloody well please. And right now I'm telling you not to set your emotional, female hormones on my friend." He stated raising an eyebrow.

Hermione became slightly red. She gritted her teeth together and clenched her fist. With a step towards him, Hermione screamed at Draco.

"You, Draco Ferret Malfoy, are not the boss of me. You can not and will not tell me what to do— unless you'd like to revisit your precious master, Lord Voldemort in bloody hell!"

Draco growled and took a step towards her. "My 'master' was a murdering psychopath who's forced people to join him by threatening to murder their families. Do you really think the Ministry would let me walk free if I had wanted to join? No, they wouldn't. They believed me. Hell, even Potter believed me!"

"Maybe that was a mistake," Hermione said.

"Trust me, if it was a mistake I would've killed you already and given them a real bloody reason to throw me in prison." Draco spoke slowly and on a deep tone to be sure she heard him.

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