Chapter 16

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"Ah, Mr Malfoy, Mr Zabini," McGonagall smiled, "Please, come in and sit."

Hermione and Ginny shared a look. They couldn't believe their luck when it came to running into Draco and Blaise. Draco sat down in the chair besides Hermione with Blaise on his left. Hermione and Draco glared harshly at each other before turning to McGonagall simultaneously.

"Now, first off," McGonagall stated getting straight into business, "There will be no foolish rivalry between the four of you. You are to leave behind your differences and work together as friends. If that is too much than acquaintances, understand?"

The four nodded, none of them planning on becoming friends with their enemies. That would be as likely as McGonagall befriending Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Great," McGonagall said with a tight smile, "You must be wondering what the four of you are doing here. Miss Granger, Me Malfoy, you two have been appointed as Head Girl and Head Boy. Miss Weasley, Mr Zabini, you two have been given the positions as Deputy Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy."

"Really?" Ginny gaped.

"Yes, really," McGonagall nodded. "As the four heads you have many different duties to attend to. Heads will monitor the hallways every weekday from eight to one. Deputy Heads will repeat this on weekends. You have the ability to remove or give house points and pass out detentions; do not abuse this. Your shared common room is on the first floor behind a portrait of Professor Snape. That is all. You may return to your compartments."

Without giving any time for the four teenagers to say a word, or even open their mouths, McGonagall opened the door and looked at them expectantly. Hermione jumped to her feet after a moment and took Ginny's hand. She dragged the redhead out, and was soon followed by the two boys.

"Can you believe our luck? An entire year stuck in the company of those two imbeciles," Hermione exclaimed.

"We're hardly imbeciles. More like extremely handsome young adults who happen to like annoying certain people," Blaise scoffed folding his arms.

"So imbeciles?" Ginny asked as a blonde came flying around the corner and crashed into Blaise.

"I'm so sor— oh its you. Why must I always run into an idiot?" The blonde exclaimed.

"Just your luck, Abbott," Blaise smirked with a wink after he helped her off the ground.

Hannah turned her head away and pretended to gag. "My luck must suck."

Blaise's smirked faltered for a second before he threw an arm around her shoulder, "I'd say your luck is on point."

"The point of a quill? Then maybe I can break this, in your words, good luck," She scoffed throwing his arm off and turning to Hermione and Ginny. "There's a problem."

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked casually placing her hand on the pocket containf her wand.

"Some book fell out of your bag. It landed in Neville's lap and now he's freaking out," Hannah explained side stepping Blaise's attempt to place an arm around her again.

"What book?" Hermione asked, and odd panic slowly rising in her chest.

"I don't know. Its cover is blank. Neville seems to know what it is, though. He keeps going on about hiding it," Hannah said, "It's terrifying. I-It's like he's going insane."

"Alexander's daughter and her husband went insane after reading that book . . ." Ginny trailed off remembering what had happened a few days ago.

"Um, hi. Yeah, we're still here. Mind filling us in about this insanity book?" Blaise asked.

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