Chapter 19

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"Gin! Mione!" Hannah called after the two girls. She was desperate to know why Blaise had it in for her so suddenly this year.

"Hannah? Hey," Ginny replied using her spare arm to link with Hannah while her other was hooked around Hermione's.

"Seems like I've seen you two more in just today than I have in an entire school year," Hannah commented hooking her arm around Ginny's.

"So what's up?" Hermione asked looking over at he blonde.

"You two are the Heads with Malfoy and Zabini, right?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Can you keep an eye on Zabini for me?" She asked shyly biting her lip. "He's been acting very odd. Teasing me on the train and then that whole arm thing, and now Malfoy basically forced me into a date with him."

Hermione and Ginny shared a knowing look. This was exactly how Seamus had been when they saw him over the summer with Dean. Seamus would casually tease Dean about little things and make small gestures of affection. In the end Neville invited them both to the Three Broomsticks but didn't bother showing up himself. Now, they were considered the cutest couple after the war.

"I don't like those smiles," Hannah stated unsurely.

"Hannah, it sounds like Zabini likes you," Ginny giggled.

"Me? Hell no!" Hannah exclaimed. "There's no way he would like me. I'm a Hufflepuff for Helga's sake and he's a Slytherin. I doubt his mother would allow it even if it were true."

"Why do you sound so disappointed?" Hermione teased.

Hannah glared. "But seriously," Ginny said going to a different tone, "It sounds like he really likes you. Give him a go. Who knows? You might just find true love."

"With him?" Hannah deadpanned.


"I'd rather go out with the giant squid than that toerag," Hannah shuddered.

Hermione and Ginny shared another look and smile. Harry had told them that his mother had said the exact same thing to his father years ago. The chances of Blaise and Hannah together just went up quite a bit.

"We'll watch him for you," Ginny promised.

"Thanks. I gotta go. Susan and I are getting a headstart on the textbooks this year. See you!"

Hannah then unattached herself from the girls and ran back in the opposite direction. It only took a moment before she disappeared around the corner.

"I give them three weeks until they're official," Ginny stated.

"I say two."

Hermione shook Ginny's hand. The girls dissolved into a peak of giggles as they arrived in front of the portrait. The portrait of Snape sneered down at the two girls.

"Should've known they'd make you Head Girl," He remarked.

"Thank you, professor," Hermione smiled recognizing the compliment hiddden behind his tone of voice.

"Your password is— you're late," Snape cut himself off seeing his godson and his friend rush up.

"Blaise was freaking out over a date," Draco rolled his eyes, shoving his hands inside his pockets.

"I'm changing to one week," Ginny grinned at Blaise's flushed face.

"Three days," Hermione countered.

"Your on," Ginny nodded. The two girls shook hands again, leaving the three males staring in confusion.

"As I was saying before, you password is 'Dramione'. It is a tradition for the password to be the two Heads' names combined. No one is to stay over unless you have permission. Sleep only in your respective dorms," Snape spoke in a monotone voice, glancing at Draco for the last sentence. "Now, in you go. Girls, please keep my godson and his pesky friend out of too much trouble this year."

The Seven and The Hidden ChildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora