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A/N: Happy Freaking Birthday to Jungkook (who will never see this but anyway..) you have been my (Leela) bias since 2017 (Gabby's bias is Mr. Park Jimin) and you have also been the source of my happiness (not all the time but anyway...) one day I might get to meet but (which is highly unlikely) I love you so so much and I hope that you enjoy your 23rd birthday! (ALSO HIS FREAKING TATTOO'S BUT ANYWAY) We hope that you enjoyed reading Midnight Roses--it feels like we are giving away one of our children. We love you all so so much and we are very thankful for you! Now on with the story. Also, bring tissues hehe bye bye our loves!




   That day will be etched in your memory forever. When you first heard your name called, you thought that it was your mind playing a sick joke on you. But when you heard the little beep of the heart monitor, you realized that it wasn't your mind. They didn't leave you. In fact, the first thing that they said to you after the doctors checked them out came from Jimin who said, "You didn't think it would be that easy to get rid of us, did you?" You were crying so hard that you couldn't do anything but punch him in the shoulder, but he just gave you a light hearted laugh.

   After the doctor released them from the hospital, they went back to their kingdom, where they accused their parents of treason and attempted murder, and the fate would be decided by the citizens. And that is how they got the throne and sentenced their parents to death. But they did spare Taehyung's dad and Jimin's dad--only because they didn't actually want them dead and were forced to participate in the crimes.

   The first thing they did was take their siblings in and give them the life they never had. And because they were so young, it was like they were your own children. 

   The boys knew that they couldn't just leave the idol life behind, so during the day they were idols, and at nighttime they were kings and you their queen.



   After you realized that your soulmates were actually fine, you decided to look into your heart. More specifically, you forgave your best friend. You knew that it wasn't exactly her fault that they had almost died, and if it wasn't for her they wouldn't be alive. So a few months later, you went to visit her grave, and since then, you try and go there every day. And sometimes one of the boys came with you.

   The boys had also convinced you to get a job at their company as their manger so that you guys would be together all the time. At first, you declined because you liked your job at the bakery and being around your owner, who had become your best friend after he told you about his late boyfriend. You quickly applied for the job after the pain of being away from them had become too much for you, and you surprisingly got the job. But you figured your soulmates had something to do with it.

3 years later

   "What's on your mind" Yoongi asked as you both laid in bed together, waiting for the others to wake up. 

   "Nothing much; just how thankful I am that you are all here with me." Yoongi chuckled at your statement, but you just rolled your eyes and slowly got out of the bed, careful to not wake up your sleeping soulmates.

   One of the things that you loved about this kingdom was the mornings. You would get up every morning just to watch the sunrise. "We never told you something that happened when we were in that coma," Yoongi said behind you as his arms wrapped around your waist. 

   "What was it?" you asked, genuinely curious. 

   "We saw your grandma." You gasped and turned around in his arms. "It wasn't for long, but we think it was after they pulled the plug. She was standing over flowers that looked like they were just growing. When we looked closer, we realized it was midnight roses. But we think that if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't be here now." You furrowed you eyebrows confusedly.

   "She told us that the midnight roses were us--we might think that our relationship started to bloom when you decided to come to Korea with us, but that just wasn't true. She said that sometimes people have to lose themselves to gain themselves, and we had lost ourselves. But you lost us and you had made us your life. And the last thing she said was, 'Y/N is too fragile to leave left alone.' She said that she regretted not being able to tell you goodbye and that she made you suffer because of the words that she chose to speak instead of what she should've said. She wanted us to tell you that she loved you more than anything and that she hopes that one day--not soon--she hopes that she gets to see you again." At this point, tears were running down your face. Yoongi quickly wiped them from your cheek and planted his lips on yours. You knew he was trying to distract you, and yes. It was a great distraction.



   Never in your life would you have expected that on your eighteenth birthday, your life would change forever. You would have never expected to fall madly in love with people who weren't even humans. And you never thought that you would go through the greatest loss in your life, just to gain it back in the end.

   You learned so much from these few years with them. When you thought back on the question you asked yourself in the cell, if you had the choice, you would never change what happened. Because if you did, then you wouldn't have found yourself, and you wouldn't have found the loves of your life.

   As you all sat in the bedroom thinking about what you were going to do today, Hoseok said something without really thinking. "You know, we heard you when we were in that coma." You threw your hands up in defeat. 

   "Four freaking years later, and you decide to tell me this now?!" They all laughed and nodded their head as they each got out of the bed and grabbed something from the drawer. But Taehyung hid it behind his back before you could see what it was with a silly smirk on his face.

   "The day that you fainted at our concert, you became the love of our lives. We knew that we would go to the end of the world and back just for you when we all fell in love with each other and were kicked out of this very kingdom. We thought that we would only have each other to rely on, but you showed us that that wasn't true." Namjoon finished speaking and Jin picked up where he left off.

   "After almost losing our lives and having the chance of never being able to ever hold you again or be there for you, we knew that we would need to do something as soon as we got the chance." He looked and Yoongi, who then looked at Hoseok. 

   "It was supposed to be your turn, Yoongi," Jin said through gritted teeth. Yoongi shrugged his shoulders. 

   "I already said what I needed to earlier." Hoseok snickered but continued anyway. 

   "We are just now getting the chance to declare our love for not only you, but each other as well. We knew that when we became soulmates that this would have to be brought up eventually, but we never knew that it would be this soon." Jimin nodded in agreement.

   Jungkook shyly looked at you. "We want to be with each other forever and never have to fear judgment or regret if this opportunity passes us by." You smiled at them confusedly and scared, but the butterflies in your stomach contradicted what your heart was feeling. 

   "Y/N L/N, we love you more than we should, and we love you more than words can describe. So with that being said--" you all turned you attention to Taehyung, who smiled and walked closer to you. His grin quickly turned into a smirk when he saw the look in your eyes as you witnessed him get on one knee.

   "Y/N L/N, will you make us the happiest dark angels alive and marry us?"




Hi, Leela here! I was going to make that the end, but I knew that Gabby would probably hurt me and ban me from writing on the page, so here is the rest of the ending!











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