3 Pt. 2

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A/N: Hi our loves I will be starting a chapter 3 will be over after pt 3 comes out the guys will finally meet each other how will it go?! Don't forget to vote and comment it helps us know if you like the story or not!


   "Why?" was the only question that ran through their brains as they sat together, watching the sun go down and away from the naked eye. Why did they have to be fated together? Why did they have to live in a place that was so stuck in their morals that they couldn't even be seen out together? 

   Why did they have to love multiply people of the same gender?

   Life was never easy for these four men. Being the oldest out of their brothers and sisters, they were expected to uphold the rules and be an example to their siblings. It is so funny how that can all change in one night.

   How you can go from meeting your soon-to-be wife to be to falling in love with people you would have never expected to?

   It is sure that they all remember that night. Well, it might be different for each of them, but the moral of the story is the same.



   "Kim Namjoon! Hurry up; we are about to be late!" Namjoon's mother screamed from across the house. 

   "I'm coming, I'm coming," he groaned as he tripped over the leg of a chair.

   Namjoon didn't want to go to the palace that his parents were taking him too. He knew what happened there.

   You meet your soon-to-be wife.

   When you are a prince out of royal decent, you don't get to fall in love with just anyone. You fall in love with who your parents choose for you, and you can't wait on a soulmate to save you.  Where they are, having a soulmate is like flying through space without a suit on and expecting to survive.

   It just doesn't happen.

   Soulmates are very powerful. They are chosen by the Goddess of Love herself. But when a great war broke out a few hundred years ago, it took the last of the soulmates with them. It is said that soulmate bonds are passed down through ancestors, but it just so happens they were all killed in the war. 

   Or so they thought.

   "Can you please get out of whatever dream world you are in and sit up straight? You are here to meet your wife and be an example for you brother. He will have to go through this, too, and if he sees that you are scared, he will be also," Namjoon's mom said with a strict tone. The boy just nodded and did what he was supposed to. His mom angry is not a pretty sight.

   The softness of the music could be heard as they pulled up to the palace. Along with it came Namjoon's nerves. He didn't know why, but he felt like tonight would be different. Not in a good way, either. Slowly, he stepped out of the car. Here goes nothing, he thought.

   "Namjoon, this is Maria, your soon-to-be wife," his mom said as he bowed to her out of respect. Namjoon grabbed the girl's hand and led her to the dance floor. For some reason, being with her felt wrong. Like he was betraying someone. But he just shook off the feeling and continued to dance with her just to make his mom and the people happy.

   The feeling of eyes drilling into him caused him to glance up. Namjoon met the eyes of three men. They were quite handsome, but the death glares that they were giving him made them look terrifying.

   "Let's go get something to eat," Namjoon muttered as he took Maria's hand and led her to the food table. He looked back once more at the men only to see that they weren't there anymore.

   Once he got the chance, Namjoon slipped away to get some fresh air. It was way too crowded in there. Namjoon couldn't shake the feeling that when he was around Maria that he was betraying someone. Just saying her name felt wrong.

   "Having fun?" 

   Namjoon jumped at the sudden voice and turned around. The three guys from earlier were right behind him. 

   "Honestly, I don't want to be here. But I have to follow the rules and be a good leader so that I can rule the throne one day," Namjoon replied. One of the guys snickered.

   "They really have that crap packed deep into your brain, don't they?" 

   "What do you mean?" Namjoon asked, honestly confused. 

   "You might not feel it now, but we have a connection. The feeling of betrayal; we all experienced it. This might be a lot to take in, but we are all soulmates."

   It was a lot. In fact, Namjoon sprinted out of there when those words left that guys lips. What did he mean? Soulmates? He must be crazy, Namjoon thought. Soulmates haven't been heard of in centuries. It was too much for him. So, Namjoon used Maria as a distraction. He later regretted it.

   Not to long after that, Namjoon got a letter from the same guys, saying that they wanted to meet and talk about what happened; sent with a time and place. Should he really going to go them? Why would he? Those men were crazy to think that he would throw away all that he knew with the snap of a finger because they claimed that he was their soulmate.

   They're batshit crazy, was all he thought as he walked down to the lake that they wanted to meet at. Why are you doing this, Namjoon? They're crazy! To think that you will accept them. You will go right up to them and tell them to never speak to you again, he said to himself. But that all went down the drain as he saw them underneath the sun's rays. They looked so beautiful and perfect. Namjoon knew that there was something right there and then that maybe, just maybe, they might be soulmates.

   "You came!" one of the guys said, bringing him out of his day dream. 

   "Of course I came. Why wouldn't I?" The man in question chuckled as he patted the spot next to him. "Come sit," he ordered.

   Namjoon took careful steps towards them and sat down. He figured he shouldn't be rude, so he introduced himself. 

   "My name is Namjoon" he said quietly. 

   "Oh, we know who you are, love. My name is Seokjin but you can call me Jin. This guy next to me is Yoongi, and that is Hobi our sunshine." Namjoon stopped for a minute. How did they know his name? 

   "You think that we are going to show up to a ball and not know the name of the Host?" Yoongi snorted. Namjoon's eyes widened. Could they here his thoughts? 

   "You know for someone who is known as the smartest prince in the land, you sure are dumb. We are Dark Angels. We have powers! Don't you think that we can hear our own soulmates thoughts?" Yoongi crossed his arms and legs. "Of course we have to complete the bond, but right now since you are so close, I know what you are thinking and feeling." The look of realization crossed Namjoon's face. So they were soulmates after all, but how?

   After that day, the group of soulmates met three times a week. That way, they could be close to each other and not be suspicious. One day while they were watching the sun go down, Hoseok said something to them. Something that they didn't know at the time, but would change their lives forever.

   "I heard that another prince is having his ball to meet his wife-to-be," Hobi said as he slowly stroked Namjoon's hair. Namjoon sat up with curiosity in his eyes. 

   "Who?" he asked.

   "Park Jimin."



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