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Hi our loves! We hope that you enjoy chapter 10! Don't forget to vote and comment, it helps us know what you think about the story!




   "You're so beautiful," Hoseok said as you laid in his arms, waiting to hear from any of the boys about F/N. 

   "Thanks, Hobi," you replied as you rolled out of his arms and onto your back. The only thing that could be heard was yours and Hoseok's light breathing. The silence was suffocating. "Can you please talk to me?" you asked him sweetly, and that's what he did. He talked to you until you went to sleep.

   "Is she asleep?" Jin asked. Hoseok lightly nodded his head. 

   "Did you find her?" Hoseok questioned quietly as he looked down at your sleeping figure. 

   "No; we searched all of Seoul and we still didn't find her," Jimin said, disappointment thick in his voice. They didn't want to come back to you empty handed but at the same time, they didn't want to bring someone so heartless back to you either. F/N didn't deserve you.

   "Are you sure?" They all nodded their heads. Hoseok huffed. He knew that you would take this hard; as far as he knew, you and F/N have been best friends for all your lives. It pissed him off that she would hurt you so badly. If you guys never saw each other again, he would be happy.



   "Why don't we go to some other place in Korea like Itaewon? She might be there," you murmured as you paced their living room. 

   "It would be pointless. There are so many people there that--," You stopped and looked Taehyung in the eyes. 

   "She is not pointless, okay? She is my best friend; my only friend. I thought that if I had her, I would never need anyone else, so this is all a little hard for me. I'm sorry," you said as you walked out of the living room and out of their home.

   As long as you guys have been friends, you have never been in a fight so big that you guys didn't make up and go get ice cream afterwards, so this is so different and difficult. You knew that she wasn't worth it-- anyone who would leave their friend because of something that is out of their control isn't really a friend.

   "Y/N, wait!" You heard the voice of Hoseok behind you. 

   "What's wrong?" he asked as he hugged you from behind and put his head on top of yours. 

   "A lot." You didn't even know where to begin. Everything had been happening so fast-- you go from finding out that you have soulmates and those soulmates are not only idols from Korea, but are also Dark Angels that are not even from Earth. And to top it off, your best friend now hates you because of all of this, and you haven't even had a chance to process it.

   Hobi slowly turned you around. "Y/N, you're not alone, okay? We are all here for you. If you want to find F/N, then we will find her. If you want to stop looking, then we will. Just tell us what we can do to--" You didn't let him finish before you gently put your lips on his. You don't know why you did, but it felt like the right thing to do in the moment.

   "What was that for?" Hobi asked as you pulled away from the kiss. 

   "I-I-I-- it was nothing." He smirked but didn't say anything. 

   "Let's just stop looking for her." Hoseok's eyes widened. 

   "Why the sudden change of heart?" he asked honestly. 

   "If she ran away, it was for a reason. She doesn't want to be around me, and I can accept that I don't want to be friends with somebody like her. Besides, I have you all," you replied as you rested your chin on his chest and looked up at him. He smiled down at you.

   "Okay, let's go tell the others."

   They all looked at you confusedly, but they understood your reason. If that was what you wanted, then they will stop looking for her. 

   "I'm hungry," Jin whined as he started to walk to the kitchen. You all laughed at your soulmate. That was so like Jin.

   "Let's watch a movie. I get to pick!" Taehyung exclaimed as he threw himself on the couch. You rolled your eyes and sat next to him. 

   "Shouldn't Y/N get to pick?" Jimin said while he sat in between your legs. Taehyung looked at you and pouted. 

   "Y/N, can I please pick the movie?" You thought about teasing him, but he was too cute for you. 

   "Fine," you said aloud. "YAY!" came out of his mouth as he started to search for a movie to watch.

   You looked around at your soulmates and how comfortable they were with you. They made you feel at home; you haven't felt like this since your Grandma passed away. It was foreign, but you liked it, and you liked them. "I like you," you blurted out before you could stop yourself. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at you with wide eyes. "I-I mean I-I-- ugh," you groaned as you hid behind your hands. 

   "Awe, we like you too," Hoseok smiled sweetly as he removed your hands from your face. You could see the fondness in their eyes.

   You could get used to this.



5 Weeks Later

   You woke up in cold sweat. The feeling that something bad had happened coursed through your veins and you were scared. You could practically feel your heart trying to jump out of your chest. "Hey Y/N, what's wrong?" Namjoon asked as he rubbed your back lightly. 

   "I just had a bad feeling all of a sudden." He looked at you confusedly. Usually, he is the one to feel things like that. 

   "You want to talk about it?" he asked sweetly, but you could hear the sleepiness in his voice.

   You shook your head no. Namjoon cuddled back into you and you could hear his light snores as he fell back asleep. Even as you slowly pulled yourself out of his arms and out of the bed, you couldn't shake that feeling. It honestly terrified you, but you didn't let it show as you walked into the kitchen and saw Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook. 

   "Good morning, beautiful," Jimin said as he came over and kissed your head. 

   "Good morning," you said with little to no emotion in your voice. 

   "Are you okay, love?" Jungkook asked, concerned. 

   "Yeah, I'm fine," you replied as you grabbed an apple off the counter and your keys off of the table.

   "I'm going back to my apartment. I will see you later."

   As you walked away from their apartment, the feeling didn't leave. If anything, it got stronger. You shook it off and continued to your apartment. You took off your shoes at the door and went to sit on the couch. You almost jumped out of your skin when a voice rang out in the silence. . .

   "Y/N! I'm sorry, but I did something bad." You knew that voice from anywhere.


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