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A/N: Hi our loves we are so so so sorry about the late update! (Even later now because your girl Gabby was too lazy to edit it when Leela finished writing it two days ago) We hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment, it really helps us know what you think about the story!




   The look in your soulmates eyes scared you. There was no way that F/N wasn't about to pass out from fear right now; you could hear her heavy sobs, and some part of you still felt bad for her-- yet, a major part of you was glad that she was crying. She got you and your soulmates thrown into this prison. She honestly deserved worse.

   "Why are you here?" you asked her sternly. At first she didn't say anything-- she just stared at you while tears ran down her face. You tried so hard to not break under her gaze, but you were failing. Thankfully, your soulmates realized just in time. 

   "She asked why you are here," Yoongi said coldly. 

   "I-I don't know! They came to the apartment and took me with them, and now I'm here," F/N said as she stood up and tried to walk towards you, but Jungkook stopped her. 

   "Stay over there." She looked at him and then at you but she still walked back to where she was.

   Jungkook turned to you. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly and put his hand on your cheek. You slightly nodded your head and smiled up at him. The others came and stood closer to you. 

   "This isn't good, guys," Hoseok said silently so that F/N couldn't hear. 

   "What do you mean?" you asked, confused. There were a lot of things that weren't good right now, but Hoseok looked really concerned. 

   "If they are bringing everyone who knows what we are to our Kingdom and throwing them in a cell . . . let's just say I don't think this is going to end well."

   You pushed Jungkook away and walked away from them. "Y/N?" Jin questioned as he tried to reach for your hand, but you quickly jerked it back. 

   "Don't say that, okay? You don't know how this is going to end!" you all but screamed at them. Even the thought of losing them terrified you. It didn't help that they all thought that something bad was going to happen. 

   "It's okay, Y/N. We don't know anything-- we could be where the cycle stops. Nobody else has to die," Taehyung said, trying to comfort you, but it wasn't working.

   "No, it's not true Taehyung! I-I-I saw it! I saw you and my grandmother-- you know, the one that is dead? I saw our soulmate mark on fire! I-It felt like my soul was being ripped apart. So don't make promises to me that you can't keep!" you screamed, tears heavily flowing from your eyes. They didn't say anything, but you could tell that they were still trying to process what you just said.

   You all didn't talk for the rest of the night. You knew they wanted to, but they just didn't know what to say. It was hard, but you eventually closed your eyes to get some sleep. As you were dozing off, you felt someone put their arm around you. Namjoon. You figured he wanted to at least comfort you this way since he didn't have any words.

   "Goodnight, love," was the last thing you heard before you drifted off.



   Did the universe hate you? Or was it just the person who decided to bind your soul to seven dark angels? You thought that you would be used to seeing the same dream over and over again, but it doesn't get easier knowing that more than likely you will lose the people that basically saved you.

   You gasped as you sat up, only to be met with the dark walls of the prison cell. You quickly looked around to make sure that you hadn't woken anyone up and you hadn't, so you went over to the small makeshift window that was in the cell to look outside.

   To say that you were shocked was an understatement. You knew that you hadn't been asleep for that long, yet it was already morning. "Time moves differently here." You tensed at the voice but soon relaxed when you realized it was just Namjoon. 

   "Did I wake you?" you whispered sweetly as you looked at him. He was still staring outside; he didn't say anything for a second, but you watched as he took a deep breath and looked at you with tears in his eyes. 

   "I saw your dream." You were a bit taken aback at the news, but managed to recollect yourself. "It is one of my abilities. It doesn't happen that often, but I saw and felt what you were talking about and I am so sorry." The tears that he were holding back finally came streaming down his face you quickly pulled him closer.

   "It's okay, Joonie. You have no reason to be sorry. Sometimes, we don't have control over things that happen to us, and that's okay. All that matters is that you are here now, okay?" He slightly nodded his head and looked at you. His eyes slowly traveled down to your lips and you got the hint, so you gently put your hand on his cheek and pulled him to you. The feeling of his lips on yours made you completely forget about the dreams and the 'what if's.' The only thing that filled your mind was him-- and you have never felt better.



   The quiet clicking of heels on the ground could be heard as you all sat in your cell, waiting to be taken to the boy's parents. The guard opened the gate and put handcuffs on all of you before walking you all out of the cell. "It's going to be okay," you heard F/N say. You quickly turned to her. 

   "Can you please shut up? Even the sound of your voice makes me want to hurt you." You saw pain flash across her face before she put her head down and didn't say another word.

   It seemed like you had been walking for a long time before you made it to this dungeon-like area. As soon as you all stood in the middle, fourteen people entered. You figured it was their parents by the anger that was coming off of them in waves. "Did you not learn the first time?" Some older lady said as she looked at the seven boys standing beside you. "And you did your brain just decide to leave your body? Why would you doing something as stupid as telling Y/N about our plan? I thought you would be better than that, but I was wrong." You knew that you shouldn't agree with her, but what she said about F/N was so true.

   "There is a reason why we don't have soulmates anymore, and even though you're our children, we have no choice but to do this." You watched as Taehyung's knees hit the ground. 

   "Mom, please, whatever you're thinking of doing, please don't or please just leave Y/N out of this! She is just a human! She didn't do anything wrong!" he wailed. You saw the woman's façade drop for a second before she got up and walked out of the room. The lady who spoke first snickered and looked down at Taehyung. 

   "Your mother was always weak, and you are just as weak as her." Jimin tried to lung at her, but was dragged back by a guard. 

   "Don't you fucking dare!" Jimin hissed at her, but she just rolled her eyes.

   Nobody said anything as Taehyung sat on the ground and cried. None of you were able to go to him; at this point, you were sure that they were doing this to torture you all. "Well, this has been entertaining, but you are here to be sentenced. So, I will let your dad have the honors, Jimin." You looked over at Jimin, and the look that he was giving her honestly terrified you. But you looked away from him and back at his parents. His dad looked at his mom with confliction in his eyes, but he still looked at you all and tried to say as coldly as possible the words that broke you and all but confirmed your dream . . .

   "You will all be executed tomorrow night in front of everyone in the kingdom."



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