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A/N: Hi our loves! I hope you enjoy chapter 5. Also, we are sorry about the late update. Gabby and I (Leela) celebrated Gabby's birthday for the past couple of days so we watched YouTube the whole time lol. Don't forget to vote and comment!




   "This is all your fault," the youngest pouted as they looked at you slumped over in the oldest's arms. 

   "My fault? How is it my fault? She wanted to know, so I told her," he said defensively. 

   "Sure, blame our human soulmate," Jungkook fired back at him. 

   "Can you both, like, shut it? I think she is waking up," Yoongi snapped. At that statement, they all looked at you and saw that you were starting to stir awake.




   As soon as you opened your eyes, you jumped out of Jin's arms and grabbed the closest thing next to you. 

   "Get away from me," you growled as you stood up and backed further away from them. 

   Yoongi snickered. "What are you going to do? Kill us with a remote? Wow, I am so scared!" You looked down and realized you were, in fact, holding a remote. You mentally face palmed yourself. How could you be so stupid? 

   "Listen, Y/N, could you please give us the remote and let us sit down and talk please?"

   You sat back down but kept the remote in your hand. It gave you a sense of protection. "First off, I am sorry. I could feel that you were still a little weak from passing out the last time. It wasn't right of me to spring that out on you," Jin said as he put his head down. For some reason, you felt bad. You knew that you were the one that really wanted to know why you were here. You wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault, but right now you were so scared and you just wanted to get out of this situation.

   "I know that the term 'Dark Angel' is probably scary, right?" you quickly nodded your head. "It is true that our ancestors were fallen angels and maybe not the nicest people that you would meet, but I want you to know that we have never hurt anyone and we would especially never hurt you." Namjoon said as he cautiously moved towards you. When he saw that you weren't going to dart away or hit him with the remote, he crouched down in front of you. "We're soulmates. This tattoo binds us together." You had so many questions, but there was one that you wanted to ask the most. 

   "Are you all together? Like, in a relationship?"

   "Yeah. That is actually why we are here," Taehyung said sadly. You watched at how Jimin and Jungkook grabbed his hand and rested their heads on his shoulder.

   You don't know why you asked them that. You now felt like you were intruding. They had this beautiful relationship and a career that was used as a façade to cover the fact that they were dark angels. How could you ruin all that they had built? You were also sure they weren't from here. 

   "When are you guys going back to Korea?" you asked them. They all looked at each other and then at you. 

   "You aren't coming with us?" Jimin tilted his head to the side. You shook your head. 

   "No, I'm staying here. Why would I come back with you?" Their eyes widened. 

   "We just told you that we are fated to be together, and you're asking us why you would come back with us?" you sighed as you stood up, Namjoon along with you.

   "You all have each other. I am sure that some of you guys have had each other for a long time," you said as you looked at the youngest members with fondness in your eyes. "I think that I've long over stayed my welcome. I hope that you guys will have an amazing life." You walked toward the door, but you didn't make it far before arms were wrapped around your waist and you were locked into a tight hug. 

   "Please don't go! Of course we have each other, but we need you! You're our soulmate, Y/N, we belong together!" Jimin begged, tears rolling down his face. You managed to get out of his arms and turned around and looked at him in the eyes, wiping the tears off of his face. 

   "But what if we don't?" You gave a sad smile as you turned around and made your way back to the door, this time nobody stopping you.



   When you got home, you collapsed to the floor as soon as you closed the door. The only thing that could be heard in your quiet home was your sobs. It hurt you to no end to leave them; the look of sadness and rejection on their faces was still so fresh on your mind. Why were you always like this? You get something good in life but end up driving it away.

   There were so many what if's in your mind. What if you had stayed? Would you have already began planning your future? What if you had left with them? Would you be booking a plane ticket right now instead of sitting on your cold hard floor, wallowing in self pity? What if you had decided to be with them? Would you guys already be together?

   You had so many questions, but no one to answer them.



   The next day, you woke up to someone knocking on your door. You tried to get out of bed, but immediately laid back down. You had a major headache. It didn't really surprise you; you stayed up all night crying your heart out. You don't even know how you got to your bed.

   There was another knock on your door. You didn't want to get out of your bed. You figured that the person at the door would leave you alone eventually, but you thought wrong. The knocking didn't stop. Angrily, you got out of bed and made your way to the front door, ready to give an ear full to whoever was ruining your pity party. However, your eyes widened when you saw who was on the other side of the door.

   "We know that you wanted us to leave without you, but we can't. If you won't come with us, then we won't go back to Korea." 

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