Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

I resisted the urge to narrow my eyes suspiciously at her and gave her a bright smile instead.

"Yes, thank you. I would like to know the details on Connor and the methods that you used. It seems like he has progressed a lot faster than I did, is there a reason for it?" I tilted my head to the side, crossing my arms as I waited her response.

I may not quite be able to accept I was the future Queen of Nauria, but I sure as hell could accept I was the Queen of petty.

She seemed to sense my attitude and her eyes flashed dangerously.

"I will debrief the King and if he so chooses, he will let you know." She moved to turn her back on me but a strange emotion overcame me, and I moved quickly. My hand latched onto her shoulder and she whirled around, the hatred she had managed to conceal before now shining in her eyes unabashedly. I could sense Kade's surprise, but he didn't move to stop me.

I stepped closer to her, knowing my eyes were probably telling her exactly how I was feeling in this very moment.

"I don't think you understand your place here." My voice was sickly sweet. "This is my business. These people and their well being are my business. I am the head of this department now, as appointed by the King himself and the President of this country. So I think you're mistaken when you think you will be reporting to anyone but me about this." I was nearly shaking with rage that begged for me to release it. I could feel the heat at the tips of my fingers, a chaotic energy I hadn't felt since Kade had marked me.

Her eyes had bulged, looking almost afraid of me now. "I'm sorry, your Highness."

I nearly blinked in shock at the title, but I held my stony expression. "You will be relieved of your position here by a doctor that I can trust to tell me the truth when I ask for it."

The feigned terror she had splayed across her face only moments before evaporated so quickly that I swear I had imagined it in the first place. Before I could blink, she had launched herself at me, snarling and ready to tear out my throat.

Somehow my body had anticipated her attack, because my hands flew up in defense, shoving her back roughly. As my hands made contact with her body, a sickening crack exploded in the room as my powers were unleashed. The air crackled with electricity and I could feel the tendrils slithering through my fingers lovingly as they awaited my direction. My finger twitched and I felt the urge deep within me to finish what I had started.

My mouth went dry as I realized I was contemplating murder. As soon as my sense came back to me, the electricity diminished immediately. I slumped into Kade with a groan, feeling tired from the energy that my body had used.

I stared at the woman on the ground as she began to move again. No one, including the other doctors moved to assist her.

My eyes flicked to Connor who was staring at me with an ear splitting grin on his face and then to Jade who could seem to do nothing but gawk. I turned towards the woman.

"Get up." I snarled at her, walking around her until I was standing in front of her face.

She glared at me from the floor but did as I said. I could smell her burnt blonde hair and noticed I had singed off a good portion of it. My lip twitched. Damn, I was turning into a stone cold bitch.

Once she was standing in front of me, I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "What's your name?" My voice was hard.

"Aurra, your Highness." She spat the words at me like a venomous snake. I pursed my lips at her.

It was then that Kade stepped in. "Aurra, you realize what kind of crime you just committed here, don't you? I suggest you start showing some respect." His voice was unwavering as he stared her down. She returned the glare and smiled slowly, looking back to me.

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