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I immediately told my friends about what happened yesterday. Even though Shina was still irritated by what Kei did, both of them were still happy for me. I felt like I was floating in the sky for the whole time. I never expected that something like that would happen.

"So are you two going out?" Hana asked.

And that’s how I fell from the sky. I never actually thought about that. Last week I confessed to Kei but I was rejected. Yesterday he confessed to me but I didn't give him an answer. So what really was our relationship?

"I don't know. I mean, he didn't ask me. He only told me that he liked me and then left." I said.

I wasn't good at this stuff, like being in a relationship or whatsoever. So I wasn't really sure what I really was to him now. Was I his girlfriend or not?

Despite the happiness that I felt, I couldn't help but be bothered by it. After Kei told me his feelings he immediately walked away, which I was grateful for at that time because I didn't want him to see my embarrassed face, but I kind of was regretting it now that it actually made things unclear between us.

In the end, I couldn't sleep at all. My feet were getting heavier with each step I took towards our class. Somehow it was more difficult than when I was rejected because at least I knew what to expect back then, but now I didn't have a single bit of an idea. I figured it would just depend on how he would treat me today.

I was standing in front of the door as I kept thinking of a way to act around him when I suddenly felt a presence behind me.

"If you're not going inside, could you get out of the way?" I didn't need to look back to see who it was. This was the voice that I was fond of and there was only one person who talked to me like that.

My knees went numb as I sensed Kei behind me. What should I do? Should I greet him? My heart was beating so fast. My hands were sweaty. But all of my anxiety vanished all at once when he spoke again.

"Could you please get out of the way?" He asked again, much louder this time.

What the hell?! He was so sweet to me yesterday but now there wasn't the tiniest bit of gentleness and sweetness in his voice. Was this the way to treat the person you confessed to?

Irritated, I slid the door open and went inside. I stepped sideways and stood by the door as I gestured for Kei to enter the room. He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Ohayo gozaimasu, Ouji-sama." I said as I slightly bowed my head.

"Ouji?" He asked, confused. But I only smiled at him as a response. To annoy him more I cheerfully greeted Tadashi who was behind him.

"Ohayo, Tadashi." I said with a smile.

Kei shot me a look, realizing the difference in my treatment between them.

Before I headed to my seat, I looked at Kei and rolled my eyes at him. I couldn't help but get annoyed. I expected him to be flustered and fidgety around me but he was being cold to me. Honestly, I couldn't understand this guy. And I didn't want to understand him anymore. With his actions now, his confession the other day made no sense anymore!

Kei and I didn't talk at all the whole day. Argh! It was so frustrating! I couldn't understand why he was acting like this.

Ukai-san asked me to go to the gym to analyze and study the information we gathered during the training camp. Even though I wasn’t in the mood to see Kei, I still went to their practice. Thanks to those two days of training we came up with a sure-fire way to improve Kageyama and Hinata's freak quick. I was still amazed by how everyone improved in such a short time. Even Kei, who didn't even care about competitions, seemed to be motivated after losing at the Interhigh.

The Half-assed Princeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن