The Half-assed Prince got serious

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A week after Valentine's Day, the boys’ volleyball team was asked to do a friendly match with Hataraku High. It would be their first match since training camp so everyone was eager to show what they had learned. As for Mei, this would be the first game she would attend. I was excited. The first time I saw them play, Ukai-san described them as "monsters", and I really wanted Mei to see their monstrous side.

Everyone in the team was hyped, especially Hinata and Kageyama. They had been practicing a lot for the past weeks, thinking of a way to improve their freak quick. Nishinoya, on the other hand, started studying setting the ball: after he saw Aobajousai's libero, who showed some skills from being a former setter, he'd been asking Kageyama and Sugawara-senpai to teach him the basics of setting.  Tadashi also improved his jump float service after failing during the match with Seijo. He kept pushing himself to be able to contribute even more to the team. I heard that after practice he would go to Shimada-san's place to practice.

Kei was the only one who wasn't enthusiastic about the news.
Although he seemed like he didn't care, I knew inside he was so excited. His teammates didn't know it but after the training camp, Kei had been practicing his block in the gym near his house. He actually kept it a secret from me, too, but I eventually found out. He asked not to mention it to anyone, especially Kageyama.

The match was set to take place in Hataraku's gym, so after class I immediately joined up the boys’ team. Mei begged Ukai-san to let her come, even resorting to bribing him. Thanks to Kageyama's request, Ukai-san allowed her to come.

Kageyama and Mei were closer than ever. While they only talked about volleyball before, Mei was now able to make Kageyama spill even the smallest of things about him. I wasn't sure, but based on Mei's reactions every time she saw him, I could tell that she liked him. I wondered what Kageyama did to make her fall in love with him. She was head over heels with Kei and now she wouldn't even spare us a glance when Kei and I were together.  As for Kageyama, he seemed oblivious to this latest development. He seemed normal towards Mei, even though she was blushing and all, and had obviously had nothing but volleyball in his head.

Everyone was already gathered inside the bus when Mei and I arrived. The energy and excitement was obvious: they animatedly talked their strategy over, meticulously reviewing every possible move they could use against the other team. The boys were practically jumping in their seats, impatient for the action… all except Kei. He was sitting on the third seat, alone, and on the other side sat Kageyama who was also alone. I quickly looked for their usual seatmates, Tadashi and Hinata, who were sitting together on the back. Kageyama looked pissed, probably mad after Hinata ditched him. I sat next to Kei and since the only remaining seat was next to Kageyama, Mei-chan sat there. I could see that she was nervous: her eyes kept looking around everywhere. She was also startled when Kageyama talked to her.
I couldn't help but laugh when I saw it.

"What are you laughing at?" Kei suddenly asked.

"N-Nothing. I just feel like laughing." I said and gave him a wide smile.

"Stop it. You're creeping me out." He said with a disgusted look.

"Nanda, I just want you to smile too." I touched his furrowed eyebrows with my hands and separated them. "Your eyebrows are meeting again. What's the problem?"

"Nothing. And could you stop what you're doing?" He said.

"I don't want to." I said as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"What are you, a kid?"

He retaliated by pinching both my cheeks and stretching them out.

"Kei, stop it!" At least, that’s what I meant to say, but since Kei was pinching my cheeks I couldn't talk properly so it was more like "Gei, ghap git!"

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