Training Camp: Part 1

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[SPOILER ALERT: I used some of the scene from manga, but I tried my best to change it. I hope you enjoy it:)]

A week had been passed after my out-of-the-blue confession to Kei. Somehow I regretted it because right after that day, we never talked to each other. Avoiding each other proved to be a little difficult since we were seatmates in class.

It had also been a week since I last went to the gym. I told Daichi-san that I had lot of things to do so I couldn't drop by to watch them practice, but in reality I just didn't want to see Kei. I didn't know how to act around him. And it was also bad for my heart, now that I was trying to move on.

My friends were so mad when I told them about it. I couldn't blame them, since I knew how much they cared about me. Shina was ready to punch Kei in the face but I told her that he wasn't at fault. It wasn’t his fault if he didn't feel anything for me. After all, it was only me who assumed things. It was all because of my stupidity that I even ruined our friendship.

The bell for the last hour finally chimed. I quickly started fixing my things but abruptly stopped when I felt a presence on my side. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of his shoes, confirming that it was Kei who was standing beside me.  My heart started pounding, so hard that I could feel it throughout my body. What did he want? I wasn't ready to talk to him yet.

"Akira," he said. It'd been so long since I last heard him call my name and I swear it sent butterflies to my stomach. "Ukai-san asked if you could go to the gym today. He said he wanted to tell something."

I didn't know how to answer him. I was afraid that if I spoke he’d be able to tell just how nervous I was.

"H-Hai, I'm coming." I said without turning to face him.

Wah! I thought my heart was going to explode. He must've hated me. I didn't even look at him when he talked to me. I was so horrible.

"Ja," he said then left.

That was it? We hadn’t talked for a week and that was all he had to say? Didn't he even miss me? I should’ve been grateful to Ukai-san because if it wasn't for him Kei wouldn't even have talked to me.

I reluctantly went to the gym. All of them stopped playing to greet me when they saw me. I flashed a grin and waved at them as a response. Then Kei and I accidentally made eye contact but, as expected, we both quickly looked away. Going here was really bad for my heart. The distance between us was getting wider and if this continued, our friendship would definitely be over. Seeing the result of my stupid confession, the regret grew even more. I was so busy trying to calm myself that I didn't notice Ukai-san standing next to me.

"Akira, good thing you came." He said.

"How could I refuse to you, coach?" I said.

He laughed.

"You're right. Anyway, I hope you are free this weekend. Nekoma's coach invited us to their training camp in Tokyo. I want you to go with us." He said.

I thought for a moment if I had any appointments.

"Sure, I don't have anything this weekend." I said.

"Good, then meet us in school on Saturday at 5am, okay?"


I missed those times in middle school when I was still part of the girls' volleyball team. We also used to have training camp. But now that I wasn't part of any clubs, I was glad that I'd still have the chance to experience it again.

I was still sleepy when I went to school. Five in the morning was way too early for me. On the contrary, everyone else seemed so energetic. They were all excited to go to the city. I heard that for some of them it would be their first time visiting Tokyo.

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