Chapter 25

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Last nights memories run through my mind, clouding any other thought I could've had.

It was so new yet so familiar, his touch was hypnotising. In that moment I couldn't think straight.

I wanted to be so angry. In a way I thought that, by sleeping with him, it would make me feel bad but it's done the opposite.

I feel good.

Amazing even.

"What's got you in a good mood?" Jodie asks, we were walking to my office together.

"What?" I wasn't listening to her.

"You're smiling like the Cheshire Cat - something must've happened."

"Let's just say that I got Xavier out of my system." I murmur, referencing to her comment last night.

"Oh oka-" her eyes widen when she realises what I just said. "WHAT!"

She pulls my arm into my office, and I stumble.

"You did what!" She whisper yells.

"Hey!" I point a finger at her  "you told me to do it."

"I didn't think you actually took me seriously!" She hold her forehead, pretending I gave her a headache.

"Why are you stressing out?" I ask.

"This is big deal!"

"It's not, now Mr Chopra is coming over for a meeting so you might want to compose yourself."

She takes deep breaths and closes her eyes for a moment before leaving my office.

"We are going to talk about this." She warns before closing the door.

By the time I'm settled down, I get a call from my security that Mr Chopra is coming in.

"Amelia, you called me?" He walks into my office. His face has that knowing smirk, thinking he did something.

"I didn't take you for a man who would switch loyalties." I say, gesturing for him to sit.

"Money is the only thing I'm loyal to, you should know that best of all." He smirks stupidly.

"So I guess I can just throw this away then?" I ask, holding up the contract we formed a few weeks ago.

"I guess you can"

In front of him, I place the contract through the shredder, watching as the paper went in neat and uniform and came out in thin, incomprehensible strips.

"It's a shame really Chopra, we could've done something big together."

"No thanks." His eyes are teasing "I'd rather be at the top alone."

"So that's what this is about - you want to be the best?" I ask and he nods "well that's gonna change whether I have Kings Corp or not." I assure him.

"Dream big Amelia." He pats my cheek condescendingly.

He gets up and saunters out of my office. Before opening the door he looks back at me.

"And now that you're no longer a potential partner, I'd love to take you out sometime." He murmurs.

"Too scared to date me when I'm working with you?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I don't like to mix business and pleasure."

When I'm sure he's out of the building I grab my phone.

"Did he buy it?" Xavier's deep voice answers the phone.

"I think so, I shredded the contract in front of him." I say excitedly.

"Perfect." He says contently.

I had to figure out a way to end my deal with Mr Chopra, otherwise when Xavier eventually gave me the company I would still owe him 35%.



"Why are you helping me?" I ask him. I knew I would not be able to ask him to his face but on the phone it would be ok.

He's silent for a moment.

"Because, I owe you." He sighs.

Something about the way he says it makes me feel like it's not the real reason but I don't say anything. The phone stays silent for a moment.

"Hey Xavier?" I say, breaking the silence "Are you busy right now?"

"Not in this exact moment." He replies.

"Because I have an empty, soundproof office right now.." I say suggestively.

"Don't move." I can already hear his voice getting lower, as he ends the call.

I jog to Jodie's office, my pumps tapping against the hardwood floor. As soon as I pop my head round the door she gives me a look.

"Are you going to talk now?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Actually I have a private meeting, please make sure no one enters my office for at least an hour."

"Oh, sure who's the meeting with?" She asks as she begins typing on her computer.

"Xavier King." Before she could say anything or I could see her reaction I shut the door.

I could deal with her later.

Before Xavier arrives I make sure my desk is clear and pop a mint in my mouth.

10 minutes later I hear a quiet tapping on my office door.

"Sorry, I was expecting a meeting with a hot billionaire." I tease as I open the door.

"And I was expecting something better than an office." He shoots back.

He looks at me for a moment before his hands go on each side of my stomach and he pulls me closer, pressing his lips onto mine.

I kiss him softly, teasing him by not fully giving in. I realise that he's still outside my office and take a few steps back, without taking his lips off of me.

He follows my lips until we're both inside. I'm wearing pumps, so I'm a little higher making his neck that much more irresistible for my lips.

I trail my kisses from his lips, to his jaw and down to his neck. His breathing gets heavier, as his hands rest on the small of my back.

He turns me around so my back is against his front. I can feel his boner against my pencil skirt, rolling my hips to rub against it.

He unbuttons my blouse halfway, one hand in my bra whilst the other is resting on my waist.

His hand softly caresses my right breast, his fingers circling around my nipple. My breathing intensified as he placed his lips under my ear, sucking softly.

Someone knocks the door.

We both groan in irritation, as I have to button up my top. I march to the door, about to blow off at whoever it is.

"Didn't I say I don't want to be distur—" I stop in my tracks when I see who is at the door.

It's my dad.


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