Chapter 14

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Leaving Amelia's office, I get into my car and drive back to my house, finishing the work day.

"For me you're nothing."

Her words were like a slow drag of a knife against my skin. It hurt hearing those words, even when I already knew that she felt that way.

I hated the fact that she didn't know the truth. So many times I thought about just going and telling her, but I was scared of what would happen to her if I did.

I didn't know what Eric was doing or if he was still in contact with anyone who knew Amelia, and her being seen with me was dangerous.

I park in my car and just sit there in silence for a few seconds. As I'm about to leave I get a phone call, it's a private number.

"Hello, this is Xavier King." I say.

"Hello Mr King, this is Dr Louis, I'm calling you because you're brother, Eric, has requested a visit from you." She says.

"No thank you." I say quickly, there is no way I'm seeing him after he wrecked my marriage.

"He says it's urgent, about an Amelia." She says.


"Please could you let me know if you are going to visit or not?" She asks.

"Yes, I can be there in half an hour." I confirm.

I put the keys back into my car and reverse out of my driveway, driving to that hospital for the first time in 4 years.

I didn't see Eric again since the day I did what he asked of me, I, to this day, can't believe he made me do that.

About 25 minutes later I arrive at the New York Mental Rehabilitation Centre. The doors are opened for me by the guards, who shake my hand. I walk straight to the reception and give them my name.

"He was very insistant on seeing you, Mr King." a doctor tells me whilst walking me to the visitors' lounge.

"I wonder why, I haven't been here in years." I make small talk.

"I'll let you two catch up," she smiles, amd walks away after taking me to the visitors' area. I see eric being taken to his seat, his eyes track me as I walk towards him.

"Xavier," Eric says.

"Why have you called me here Eric!?" I say, an unknown burst of anger releases as I talk to him. 

"Relax, I'm not jumping to see you either." he deadpans "...but Amelia was here earlier."


"She wasn't here to see me, but she came in for a visit." his eyes are glinting with excitement.

"What did you do to her?" I say, my fists clenched.

"Don't worry, I didn't have to do anything she's miserable as it is - you really ruined her like I asked, good job." he jokes "I wonder what would happen if she knew I did it, poor Eva Wallace - she was a good woman."

"Shut up." I say.

"So you do still love her." he looks down on me, disgusted. I don't say anything. "Whatever..." he rolls his eyes "- you can leave now."

I get up immediately and walk out of the place. I just want to get back to my house but I'm stopped by another doctor.

"We've started a new system at this hospital, for security and research reasons all conversations with patients are recorded." she informs.

Shit, if someone hears that then I'm going to be in trouble. 

"I wasn't informed about that." I say calmly.

"That's unusual, well at least now you know." she shrugs.

"Actually, I need that recording to be destroyed please." I say "Its extremely private and I don't need other people hearing it."

"I'm sorry sir, its hospital policy-"

"I'll give you fifty thousand dollars." I say, her face is in shock, she nods slowly and hurries away.

I write her a check and then get into my car and decide to go back to the office, it's dark now but I'd rather drown myself in work than worry about Eric.

I walk into the office, which is mostly empty except a few cubicles which are lit up. I take the elevator to my floor and find Leroy in his office.

"What are you still doing here?" I ask him.

"My mom's visiting me dude," he says "gotta escape the house." I just nod and leave him alone and go to my office which was next to Leroy's divided by a glass wall.

I begin working, printing out plans and proposals for the next day's meetings.

A few hours pass and I taken out of my work trance by a knock on the door, glancing at my watch I see that it's almost midnight.

"Come in," my croaky voice says.

"Hey," a familiar voice said.


"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"You left some documents at my office your assistant said you were here when I called." she justifies. I snap my head to the side to see Leroy grinning.

"She's hot bro." he mouths to me before going back to his work.

I walk up to Amelia,  about to take the papers from her hand when she says "You know, it's not very professional for a business man, especially a failing businessman, to leave his stuff around." she says, teasing me.

She walks right up to me, I can smell the floral perfume radiate off her. Her glossy lips shining in the light that's coming through the glass office.

"Be careful next time." she says, almost seductively. She turns around to walk away, my eyes can't help but look at her perfect figure.

I grab her hand, pulling her back as she almost slams against me, even in heels she's only up to my shoulders but she's brave.

"Don't forget Miss Davis." I say, looking into her eyes, "as much as you may hate me - I made you completely."

Her eyes turn dark "No, you didn't."

"Are you sure?" I smirk "because as I recall, it was my 20 million dollars that created your Eva Enterprises, am I right?"

She hated that I was right.

"Don't forget Mr King," she eyes me up and down, gliding her finger down my neck "You only work with Russo because of me - and I'm pretty sure that deal was worth more than 20 million."

I involuntarily throw my head back, her touch was intoxicating.

She goes onto her tiptoes, so her lips touch my ear lightly. "And I didn't ask for any of it."

In a quick moment of weakness, I grab her waist, pulling her lips into mine.

Her sweet taste was euphoric, that I literally stumbled back, sitting on the edge of my desk. I pull away for a second looking at her, but her eyes are still closed.

I delicately cup her face, meeting her lips with mine once again. Her tongue slides against my bottom lip, effortlessly gaining access. Stood between my legs, she's oblivious to the growing boner in my pants.

Her tiny breaths, only turn me on more as she's fighting her moans against my mouth. "Xavier..." she breathes out quietly, her fingers brush against her lips in disbelief.

In a split second she pulls away and takes a step away from me, as if she finally realised what she did. The gloss is completely gone from her slightly swollen lips.

She slams the documents into my chest and leaves my office, the echo of her heels the last sound of her.

would you guys like for me to link more music that i think works with the chapter?



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