Ch.37 Oh? Twins....

Start from the beginning

"Watashi wa Shimotsuki Miyuki." She nods to him. "2nd year Wing Spiker." The guy tilts his head and closed his eyes, putting his hands on his hips. 

"What a beautiful name." He grins as he held out his hand. "My name's~~"

"Miya Atsumu..." Miyuki and Atsumu looks to see Sakusa glaring at him, his fists were clenched as Miyuki slides away from Atsumu and goes by Sakusa who didn't hesitant to pull her close, under his jacket by her shoulder. "What's your business here with my girlfriend?" Sakusa's glare did not leave Atsumu's face as he smiles. 

"Omi-kun! Long time no see!" Miyuki looks up to see Sakusa's gaze not leaving him. 

"Omi-kun??" She  murmurs but Atsumu heard. 

"And you got a girlfriend before me??" Atsumu whines. "How in the world did your germaphobic self get a girl before me." Miyuki smiled underneath her mask because his acting was a little funny to her. 

"Because I didn't dye my hair dirty piss blonde." Sakusa nonchalantly bite back which made Miyuki laugh a little which an irk mark appears on Atsumu's forehead.

"My hair is fine. Shimotsuki-chan would agree right?" He looks to me as I nodded. 

"First impression was okay with you I guess." Miyuki responded politely whihc made Atsumu even more delighted to become friends with her but not Sakusa would brought her more closer to his jersey. 

"Oh come on, Omi-kun." Atsumu figured it out as he spreads his hands out. "I wouldn't steal your girlfriend. I'm more curious on how you to met. I'm curious if you have to spray her before doing lovey-dovey stuff, right?" 

Miyuki looks away and blushed as Sakusa knits his eyebrows even more so. Then a voice broke out and slapped Atsumu on the back of the head. 

"Stop pestering people, Tsumu." Miyuki studies the guy with gray hair as Atsumu rubbed the back of his head. 

"Oh, Twins." Miyuki states calmly which surprised Atsumu but the gray haired guy was calm. 

"Shimotsuki-chan, how'd you know?" 

"She's not stupid like you." Sakusa chimed in as Osamu nods to that. 

"Shut it!" Atsumu hissed at his brother. "Omi-kun, I did not ask you." 

"Well, I don't want you to ask her. It's obvious you 2 are well-known." Sakusa then nods to Osamu which he returns. He then takes Miyuki's hand instead and started to walk away from them. Miyuki was in confusion but waved politely before catching up to her boyfriend. 

"Bye Shimotsuki-chan!!" Atsumu waves before turning to his brother. "You had to hit me like that."

"Why cannot?" Osamu shrugs before turning away from his twin. 

"Geez, you and Omi-kun are so rude!" Atsumu complains as he puts his hands behind his head, thinking about Miyuki while going back to their team. 

"And he even got a girlfriend before me." 

"I know." 


"I saw them walking together before going in the bathroom. God, you're dumb."

"Geez! Not dumb enough to turn a pretty girl down in 4th grade. I mean come on, Samu. Kimika-chan was awesome in 4th grade. How can you turn her down? She's more prettier than her sisters and teammates? And she used to give you onigiris and not me, that was a total bonus." 

"That was 4th grade, Tsumu." Osamu sighs as his brother kept on pestering about it ever since Kimika's recovery. "Why would I come into her life now? I'm not a knight and shinning armor like you who just acts all flirty in front of your fangirls." 

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