"YESH!!!!!" Kerry yelled. That was her favorite movie.

"Ok, ok. Jeez." Brandon said getting up. We stayed up for hours just watching Harry Potter.

At about 1 AM, I went into the kitchen to get a snack. Yes, we had a kitchen on our bus, who doesnt?

Anyways, as I was walking in, I crashed into somebody.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, are you ok?" I heard an irish accent ask. I stood up and nodded. I went to open the fridge, when Niall and my hands touched. I blushed and pulled away. I looked over and saw him blushing too.

"Go ahead, I can wait." He said backing up a little. I smiled at him and opened the fridge. I grabbed a small apple and moved away so Niall could get some food. He searched through the fridge for something to eat. He came back out with a cake we had bought for AJ's birthday.

"Do you want some?" He asked me. I shook my head no and started nibbling on my apple. He cut a piece of cake and put the rest away.

"So Dan, I heard Jason ask you yesterday if you were going to eat, what was that about?" Niall asked me leaning against the counter eating his cake. I signaled him to wait and I went to get my notepad.

"Well, I'm not starving myself if thats what you're thinking. I just dont have a big stomach." I wrote then gave it to him. He nodded.

"I have one more question, why don't you talk?" He asked. I sighed mentally, I guess someone else had to find out. I started writing down my story.


I was walking around my favorite park when I felt the urge to go into the forest. I had been there many times before. I went to my favorite spot there and sat down taking in all of the scenerie. I felt a cold metal against the back of my neck. I turned around and a man in his mid thirties was holding a knife to my neck. "Scream and you die." He whispered in my ear. "W-what do you w-want from me?" I asked. He smiled and said," I want you to meet me here everyday at 3 or I WILL kill all of your loved ones." I nodded. My sister was the most important thing to me. I agreed and he told me to take off all of my clothes. I did so and he started to take off his pants. I closed my eyes as he pushed me to the ground and proceded to rape me. I met him there for 2 years. But, one day, he was caught by the police. I was free. Later that night though, one of his 'minions' broke into my house and killed my parents. My sister and I were both minors, so we were put in and adoption center. I was adopted a few days later. They started to abuse me. They did until I was 19. Thats when I met AJ.

end flash back.

Niall pulled me into a hug while he rubbed my back. I didnt realize it, but I was crying. When I finally calmed down, I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Im going to go to bed." I wrote. He nodded and hugged me again, kissing the top of my head. I blushed madly at that.

3 days later AJ's POV

I was getting ready for our first show in California and I got dressed in my outfit.(Pic on the side)

Dan came into the bathroom dressed in http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=64734668 

I scooted over and we both put our makeup on at the same time.When we were both ready, we went to the trailor and got our instruments. I saw Kerry banging on the side of the trailor with her drumsticks.

"Careful babe, we only get the one trailor." Jason said getting his mic out. Ok, so heres the layout of our positions:

AJ: Bass/backup vocals

Jason:Lead vocals

Kerry: Drums

Dan:Lead Guitar

Brandon: Rhythm Guitar

I went into the trailor after Jason and got out my two basses. One of my basses was a non sparkley version of my dads: http://cachepe.samedaymusic.com/media/fit,330by330/quality,85/rotate,45/p24663h-eb751deb4b78b56b8511c1984d9a1d0d.jpg

I also had a white bass: http://az58332.vo.msecnd.net/e88dd2e9fff747f090c792316c22131c/Images/Products27225-1200x1200-323890.jpg

arent they purdy?

Anyways, after,Dan got out her Eddie Van Halen guitar. Then she got out her Synister Gates guitar. After Brandon got his guitars out. One of them is really cool: http://www.musiccitycardsandgifts.com/files/12068.jpg

And the other one is: http://ultimateguitarcentre.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/ugcwarrier.png

Beautiful huh?

Anyways. me, Kerry and Jason all went in to get a piece of her drums. When we got it on the wheely thingy, we rolled it backstage. It was finally our turn to play, but first we had to do a sound check. We rolled Kerry on stage with her drums and we were set. We all ran out on stage and got in our positions.

"HOW ARE YOU ALL TONIGHT?!!" Jason yelled into the mic. "WE ARE 666, AND WE ARE HERE TO ROCK THIS MOTHERFUCKING TOUR!!!! ARE YOU GUYS READY?!" He yelled. About half of the crowd yelled, 'YES'.

"ALRIGHT, THIS IS OUR COVER OF THE FINAL EPISODE!!!!!" He yelled and we started the song.

''OH MY GOD!!!" Jason yelled into the mic "OH MY GOD!!!"

"IF ONLY I KNEW!!! IF ONLY I KNEW!!!!! IF ONLY I KNEW ABOUT THE WORLD WITHOUT THE BULLSHIT AND LIES!!!!!" I screamed into the mic. Yes, I can scream.


The rest of our show consisted of us doing covers of songs. The crowd was screaming by the time we were done.  we played:


The Flood

Gorgeous Nightmare

Critical Acclaim

Guys Like You Make Us Look Bad

I couldnt wait for the rest of the tour.

Did you guys likey? Pic is AJ's outfit. External link is Dan's new hair. BYE MY LOVEYS!!

Situations   (A Dahvie Vanity FanFiction) [Book 1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant