Chapter 20: Mornings

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A/N Naru's POV

Fox ears

Fox ears

Fox ears

Imma wear my fox ears today 


I sang in my head as I slipped on my jacket.

I was super excited today, surpisingly 

As soon as I finished getting ready and I went to search for Mr Stalker

"Mr Stalkerrrr~" 

I sang 

Don't judge meh, I'm in a cheerful mood for once U^U

I eventually found Mr stalker in his room

He wasn't dressed

He was still in his pajamas which is just sweatpants and T-shirt

He didn't even get outta bed

What was he doin? 

He was reading his smutty book! QwQ

Time for revenge for waking me up at 5 to get ready

Instead of being a nice little bean who will gently wake Kakashi up



His book went flyin 

It was funny


I yelled as loud as I could

Whining was heard under me until a

"okay okay I'm up Naru"

I hear him say with a laugh

His face was priceless when I jumped on him though 

"Hurry up and get ready!" 

I yell cheerfully as I crawl off Kakashi's stomach 

I see Kakashi stand up and walk to the bathroom to take a shower and stuff

I skip to the kitchen and search through the cabinets for-

You guessed it


Though I couldn't find any-

Mr Stalker hid them well this time 

He keeps saying that he wants me to have a nutritional breakfast 


Ramen is nutritional right? Q-Q

It probably is

Now back to searching

-about 5 minutes later-

I notice Kakashi walk into the kitchen

He got ready fast-

"what are you looking for Naru-Chan?"

I turn my head to look up at the silver man, wearing his fox hat

Smiling awkwardly, I say


I hear laughter

"Naru, the veggies are in the fridge, not the pantry"

That's when I feel somethin tug me away from the pantry


I whined

Mr Stalker continues his laughter as he gets on his knees and reaches into the pantry

Moments later, he pulls out two cup ramens :0

"only this once"

I hear him say

My eyes widen as well as my smile as I jump to my feet 

Cheering loudly


I noticed Mr Stalker smile, looks like he was trying to keep in his laughter

I didn't care, I continued acting like a total dork

Couple minutes later the ramen was done

I was so happy I ate it so fast

And burnt my tongue- 

"MaH tOnGuE"

I attempted to whine

"hold still Naru"

Mr stalker says as puts some ice in my mouth 

"that should do it OwO" 

I nod QwQ

I notice Mr Stalker check his watch

"Holy- You're late!" 

I get snatched 

then the next thing I know, we're on the training grounds

Sasuke and Sakura were just chillin, though when Mr stalker and I showed up-

We scared the shiz outta them

The pink banshee was the first to speak though-

"whats with the stupid hats?"

Break my chains //KakaNaru//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon