Chapter 7: Senpai <3

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A/N Kakashi's POV :3

This kid was adorable.

It's only been a week.

He hasn't given up on finding my real name.

I was able to get him to call me "senpai" once though.

It was a pretty funny day if I say so myself, except I got beat up again.

My reputation is out the window.


"tell me your name!"

Naruto pouts.

"it's dog,"

I say with a laugh.


Naruto yells, punching me right in the stomach, causing me to fall backward.

For a kid, he punches fucking hard.

"aren't you too young to be cursing?"

I ask, attempting to stand up.

"aren't you a little too old to be sleeping with me in my bed! stalker and pervert!" 

Naruto yells.

"I'm NoT a PeRv! and I'm not old! I'm only 19!"

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"I'm NoT a PeRv! and I'm not old! I'm only 19!"

I pout.


grumbles the blonde.

"if you won't tell me your name then tell me why-"

"AiN't NoThIn BuT a HeArTaChE~!"

I sing/yell.

I got a punch.

"Mr. Stalker, stop interrupting me!"

He yells.

"Okay okay, I'm silent now"

I grumbled, rubbing my head where I got punched.

"good. Now tell me why you won't tell me your name"

Naruto asks, with a cold gaze but I noticed some curiosity in them.

I think for a little bit, picking my words.

"I won't tell you my name because I want to keep it a secret for now"

I say with a smile.

"What do you mean "for now"??" 

The Blonde asks with more curiosity.

"you haven't called me senpai yet, of course!"

I laugh.

This time I got a punch to my precious. 

I literally fell forward, hands in between my legs, where I got punched.

My face on the floor, I hear the blonde laughing.


why me!?

"How dare you" 

I manage to say.

"what will make you feel better....senpai?"

The boy asks.

I turned a bright red.

Jeez, why did he have to make it sound so cute but dirty at the same fucking time!?

The boy just starts laughing and making fun of my blushed face. 

To be honest, I have never seen him laugh before so I let it slide this time.

BUT I will get my revenge eventually.

I manage to sit up.

"you are so evil, Naru"

I say jokingly.

"yeeup! and you are still old, senpai!"

I blushed again.

it was a bad idea to tell him to call me "senpai"

"Wait! I'm not even 21!"

-end of flashback-

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