(Special) Chapter 18: Matching

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A/N Naru's POV  

I had so much fun today

I smile widely, glad that Mr stalker is back and better yet he's my teacher!

I grab a pair of clothes and walk to the bathroom

I undress myself and get in the shower, not wanting to look in the mirror..

And see the forever nightmare that was implanted all over my body..

I scrub my body roughly

tears swelling up as I once again try desperately to make these hickeys disappear 

After countless times of scrubbing, I step out of the shower

My body red from the srcubbin, though the hickeys stayed..



"Naru, you done? I bought matching hats"

I hear Mr stalker say on the other side of the door

I couldn't help but laugh


Was all I could say through my laughter

I could hear Mr stalker laughing too

I slip on my pajama gray hoodie and my blue shorts

 I open the door  

When I did, I saw Mr stalker sitting on the floor, wearing an adorable little hat with fox ears on it


"Fox hat so cute!" 

I chirp I crouch down play with the ears on Mr stalker's hat

"you got one too! Close your eyes"

He says as I close my eyes and sit patiently in front of him

Moments later I could hear a bag rustling then I feel something being fit on my head

"Okay you can open them now, go look in the mirror floofy"

Mr stalker cheers, clearly happy and excited for my reaction 

I open my eyes and nearly trip over myself as I stand up and run to the bathroom to see

I had a hat on with floofy fox ears on it just like Mr stalker's

I looked so cute 

"I gOt FlOoFy EaRs!"

Was the first thing I said when I touched mah ears

I could hear laughter

"I'm glad you like it Naru!"

Mr stalker says as he jumps to his feet

"Thank you!!"

I yelled jumping into Mr stalker's chest causing us to collapse but it didn't care

I gave Mr stalker the biggest hug I could offer

I didn't care if I was squeezing him to death

Damn i sound evil now-

Eh whatever

I was just so happy

No one has ever done this for me before

A/N Guys thanks you all so much for reading my stories, I'm like so surprised that this many people found in interest in reading this. I'm so happy right now, I wouldn't be updating new chapters if it wasn't for you all (legit yellin at me, telling me to update -^-) and I love reading your feedback and comments, it's most enjoyable. Ya know what, let's have a celebration! SOME ONE GRAB THE JUICE BOXES (cause booze ain't allowed cause Aizawa yelled at me last time OwO) JUST FOR YOU ALL, I WILL ATTEMPT TO UPDATE BREAK MY CHAIN THREE TIME THIS WEEK! LOVE YOU ALL! BAIIII also I will draw kakashi and naruto with their matching hats later because it's legit 1 in the morning right now I should be asleep but I'm a rebel, sleep be for the weak 😎

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