Chapter 13: Failed Mission

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A/N Kakashi's POV

"Ugh the mission turned out to be more complicated than explained"

I groan as I sit down and wrap my bleeding wounds 

I was able to find Orochimaru though

He was in a cave, how original


"Orochimaru, stop these experiments and come with me back to Konoha"

I say calmly as I glare at the snake from the entrance of a cave.

"How about, yes, keep doing the experiments and no, don't go with you to that wretched village you call home"

Orochimaru sneers 

-flashback ends-

I growl in irritation and punch a tree, causing it to crack and for my hand wounds to open back up

I almost had him!


"Gathering of the snakes" 

Orochimaru smirks as snakes start to appear from his sleeves

I got into position and did some hand signs

As I finished the jutsu, Chakra lightning started to surround my hand


And with that

Orochimaru's snakes charge at me and I do the same

-flashback ends-

I gaze sadly at the ground as I touch my wounded shoulder

"He's still out am I supposed to protect Naruto if I can't even beat Orochimaru?.."

I question myself


Blood gets spilled to the ground but...

It wasn't Orochimaru's

It was mine

I was shocked

I thought I had him

That's when I noticed 

One of Orochimaru's damn snakes through my stomach and shoulder

As I coughed more blood, Orochimaru's snakes retreated

"I'll let you live for now because I enjoy your company"

He smirks as I grip my stomach 

"Until we meet again" 

Orochimaru smiles and disappears into thin air

I punch the ground in irritation


-flashback ends-

I manage to stagger to my feet

I need to get back

I made a promise..

Though in pain, I run as fast as I can back to Konoha 

-in Konoha-

After explaining what happened to lord third

I was taken to the hospital so my wounds can be properly treated

I was constantly checking the time to make sure I wasn't late

But the medical ninja were being ever so slow that I was already late as fuck

I start to get irritated and impatient

"Fuck it, you all are slow as hell" 

I spat, standing up and putting on my clean clothes and vest that was brought by the doctor 

"But sir, your shoulder. You nee-"

"Shut up. I'm fine" 

I growl as I push past the doctor and run out of the hospital

As I  was running to the academy

I run into Iruka

"Oh hello Kakashi" 

He smiles 

I stop, panting a little.

"Hey, I'm really sorry but I must go"

I apologize and wave goodbye

"Talk to you later then"

Iruka calls happily, waving back

I give him a thumbs up as I continue running

As I enter the academy I could hear yelling

It sounded like..


I didn't know what was going on but I ran faster

"Let me help you"

I hear a voice say.

The suddenly my instincts kicked in and I sunshined into the classroom and grab the boys wrist  

"Oi let go!"

They spat, attempting to break away from my grip

I was pissed, I pulled the boy close and whispered in his ear. 

"If you dare try to hurt him again, my face will be the last thing you'll ever see"

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