Chapter 16: introductions :3

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A/N Naru's POV  

"Now pinky. Go"

I hear Kakashi say as he glares at Sakura 

'I'm glad I know his name now but I still like Mr stalker better!'

I thought, smiling with pride as I listen for Sakura to go

"My likes are- *sQuEeL* My dreams are- *sQuEeL* And I hate fox boy!"

Sakura spats, glaring at me

I look away for a bit then fix my gaze on Mr stalker

"Hm, okay so what you're saying is that you are a little bitch who fangirls over her future husband, who is an emo bastard, and you hate the most adorable hooman being?"

I hear him say

I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit but I didn't understand why

I decided to ignore it

Then all of a sudden the most high pitched squeal appeared

"Agh! My ears!"

All of us spat except for the squeeling banshee who passed out moments later

"My god, I think my ears are broken" 

Kakashi grumbles 

"Can I go yet so I can leave?"

Spats Sasuke still covering his ears a bit

"Well since you're gonna be impatient about this then no, Naru-Chan will go"

I hear say as he gestures for me to speak

I could feel Sasuke start to get pissed off again but I ignore it for a bit

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto, my likes are Mr stalker and ramen my dislikes are everything else, and my dream is to be accepted into the village as a human being.."

I say with a smile, wanting my dream to come true even more

"Ha like you'll ever get ac-"

Sasuke begins before getting kicked straight at the doors 

I watch Sasuke go flying with wide eyes

My head then turns back to where Sasuke got kicked

It was Mr stalker?! 

How'd he get from the ledge to Sasuke's face within a second?!

"If you even think about doing or saying something bad to Naruto, I will end you"

Kakashi says with a smile before turning his head down to look at me

"You can do it Naru, I believe in you"

I look at him with a surprised expression which then turns to a really happy one

"Thank you Mr stalker!"

Moments later Sasuke comes back 

"So....Mr stal-"

This time Sasuke got bitch slapped

"Only my little Naru-Chan has the privilege of calling me that"

Kakashi spats

I couldn't help but laugh at Sasuke getting his ass handed to him

I watch Sasuke stagger to his feet

Kakashi walks back to his spot on the ledge

"Okay emo child, go before I fling you off the roof"

"Uchiha Sasuke, likes, don't have any, I hate the fox brat and you, my dreams are to kill a certain someone" 

Sasuke mumbles as he turns towards the door and starts walking off

"Welp guess it's only the banshee that's being flung off today" 

I watch kakashi shrug and pick Sakura up

"Have fun in hell!"

Kakashi cheers flinging Sakura overy the ledge, watching her fall

I run over to the ledge and watch too

Then all of a sudden Sakura falls on a bouncy house


Break my chains //KakaNaru//जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें