Chapter 30: Discharge

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Kashi's POV

"We gotta talk to lord third, are you well enough to walk?

I ask the possible feverish blonde

"Oh um yeah, I'm good mister stalker"

I smile as I see Naruto give off his big smile

"Kay let's get you out of this hospital bed then!"

I give my famous closed eye smile and lift my head from the blonde's lap,
noticing his nod

After that, I walk over to the door and call one of the nurses over

A few moments later a nurse comes into view, heading my way

phew what a relief

I talk to the nurse for a bit, stating the fact that I am going to take Naruto to
lord third

About five minutes pass before I get an "okay"

I walk back to Naruto who has already made his way off the bed and is now searching for his jacket

I sigh letting a laugh escape

"Naru sit down real quick"


I watch as the blonde goes back to the hospital bed and jumps on it

"Stay here I will be right back I promise"

I gesture for Naruto to stay sitting and leave the room

I sunshine to Naruto's house, I go to the dryer and open it, taking the blonde's jacket out

"good it got cleaned up"

I smile gently, feeling the texture of the jacket before shaking my head

"Gotta get back to Naruto"

I sunshine back to Naruto's hospital room and place the jacket on the blonde's head

"I washed it for you"

I clap my hands together

"Thank you, Mister Stalker!"

I smile as Naruto yells with an excited expression

"Now let's go talk to lord third"

I cheer, patting the blonde's head as he frantically puts his jacket on and jumps off the bed


Naruto yells, already out of the room at this point

"Hey! Wait up!"

I pout/yell running after Naruto

A/N Hey everyone! I am so sorry for not updating lately, school has just been crazy and I had to complete a lot of missing work, I still have stuff to do but I can do that later -w- Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I will make the next chapter as soon as possible, I apologize for makin you all wait so long for the next update qwq I really need a schedule for these things- I'll try to update every Sunday, how bout that? :D sound good? :3

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