Chapter 12: Die

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A/N Naru-Chan's POV

The months went by quite fast since that day..

I haven't really left my house anymore after that and now I am starving

But it's fine

As long as I don't go outside, I'll be fine

I won't get hurt..

I shake my head, trying to get the bad memories from my head and look to the positive 

My graduation is today

I hope Mr stalker kept is promise and is gonna be there

I smile a little just thinking about it

Sitting up on my bed, I saw my wrists

"....oh yea..."

I forgot I cut myself..

I've been cutting ever since that incident and I'm surprised I'm not dead yet

That's when I remembered it

The memory of that strange anbu rescuing me 

I smile as tears stream down my cheeks

I guess I really do miss him 

He saved me..

I move off my bed and get dressed

I was very excited to see Mr stalker again

I slipped on my orange jacket, being sure the cuts were hidden well

I don't need Mr stalker worrying again

I laugh a little 

My stomach growled like crazy again but I decide to ignore it

I have to get to the academy quickly 

I walk out of my home, very nervous

That's when I remembered

Mr stalker uses the roofs to avoid people

Will that work for me too?

I question, looking up

If it means avoiding that guy then I'll do it..

I jump up onto the roof and start running and jumping towards the academy.

Several minutes later, I make it to the academy

I run inside the classroom, panting in the process

"What's the fox doing here?" Snickers one of the kids as I quickly move to my seat

"He has a name. Use it." 

My teacher Iruka-sensei says as he glares at the student.

"So? He's just a demon brat, why should I ca-"

As soon as the kid started talking, Iruka-sensei threw his eraser at them

"We are all human beings and if you wish not to get detention, I suggest you keep your mouth shut so I can resume telling you your teams"

He says with a sigh

Although I knew he wanted to say something else but he would probably get fired doing so

"Team 7. Uzumaki Naruto. Haruno Sakura. and Uchiha Sasuke"

My head perked up as I heard my name then I heard the other two people's names 

I silently groan

'Sasuke hates me and so does Sakura. What am I gonna do..I atleast hope the teacher is nice..'

When the other teams were announced, class ended

After lunch, me, Sakura, and Sasuke all waited for our sensei back in the classroom

"Ugh why am I paired with a demon and and banshee"

Groans the Uchiha

"I never asked for this.." 

I mumble, walking over to the window and sitting down

"You should've thought of that before you were born" 

He grumbles 

For some reason that really pissed me off

"Look! I never said I wanted this demon inside me! I never said I wanted to be born! I never wanted this! You don't know what its like to have this life! It's utter hell!" 

I snap as tears form in my eyes

The Uchiha glares at me as he walks towards me

He picks me up by my jacket collar and whispers in my ear

"Then die. No one will miss you" 

He smirks as he let's go of me and watches as I sink to the floor.

Sakura seemed to be enjoying this, but then again she enjoys anything Sasuke does

Tears start falling to the floor as I think about what Sasuke whispered

"Y-You're right..."

I mumble through tears

Sasuke smirks as he pulls out a Kunai 

"Then let me help you"

He says, pulling his arm back and striking a killing blow to my neck

But before the Kunai made contact with my neck

A strange force appeared and grabbed Sasuke's wrist tightly 

I could sense their anger so well that it hurt

"Oi! Let go!"

Sasuke spats, trying to break free of this persons grip

The strange person pulls Sasuke towards him and whispers in his ear

"If you dare try to hurt him again, my face will be the last thing you'll ever see"

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