c h a p t e r. 4

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Helloooooo from the other sideeee!
Sorry for the late update, enjoy this chapter!

Helloooooo from the other sideeee! Sorry for the late update, enjoy this chapter!

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


Each of two or more children, or offspring having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister.

Looking at my siblings who are busy laughing and smiling, I can't find a single jealous bone in my body.

Even though I met them not even a day ago, I want to see them happy.

Heck, what am I saying even the knowledge of their existence would have made me wish for their happiness.

But that doesn't mean I trust them. Trust is something they'll have to earn- sibling or not.

Not that I plan on revealing any of my secrets anytime soon because I can sense it, no matter how subtle they are trying to be but it's easy to read that they are hiding things from us— maybe for our best and it's fine with me as long as those secrets don't involve me or Maeve.

Shaking off my thoughts I stand up from my crouch position, the smile still on my face.

Maybe, just maybe I can finally be happy.

Looking around the peaceful room, my mismatched eyes briefly makes contact with two pairs of familiar gray eyes at the doorway before settling back on an overly excited Matteo.

Snapping my head back, I double take the two people standing in the doorway, shock overtakes my mind before panic swirlves in the pit of my stomach. This is not good.

Curling my shaky hands into fists, I turn my head towards my sister, to see her already looking at them with curious eyes.

Shaking my head at them , I turn around just in time to see my sister losing consciousness.

"Maeve!" I rush towards her.

Before I could reach her, Felix wraps his arms around her, supporting her body before lifting her bridal style.

"What just ...happened ?" Before I could open my mouth to answer Blake, Luciano interrupts.

"Felix carry her to her room and Blake call Dr. Wilson"

Letting out a shaky breath I feel my legs give out. Arms wrap around my waist supporting my weight, guiding me towards the couch and settling me on their lap.

I rest my head on their shoulder, my breathing still laboured.

"Just breathe with me bambina" I close my eyes accordingly, filling my aching lungs with much needed air and try to match my breathing with theirs.


Feeling completely drained, I lean on Blake breathing in his cologne before opening my eyes, my head still on his shoulder.

I look around the room to everyone sitting there except Emilio, Matteo and mom. Where are they?

As if reading my mind Luciano answers "Mom and Matteo are with Maeve and Emilio is calling the doctor"

Weakly nodding my eyes land on them. Ashton and Ryder

Blinking rapidly I try to keep my tears at bay, a weak sob lodging in my throat.

Taking deep breaths I try to suppress the urge to cry before making eye contact with Ashton to see tears welling up his eyes.

Who would have thought

I choke out a mixture of sob and laughter, I feel my cheeks heating up at the weird looks given to me by my brothers.

"Cheeky" Ashton says let's out a shaky laugh.

"Dumbass" I choke out, still not believing my eyes.

I stand on my shaky legs making my way towards him before wrapping my arms around his waist.

I feel him wrap his muscular arms around me in a tight bear hug. Closing my eyes I relieve myself in his familiar warmth before letting out a weak sob.

"Don't cry cheeky" I feel his fingers draw soothing circles on my back.

"I'm not crying, you are delusional you dumbass" I sniffle, a teary smile gracing my lips.

I feel his body shake as he let's out a chuckle before squeezing me, his chin resting on my head.

I squeeze him one last time before taking a deep breath and stepping out of his hold.

I have lots of questions to answer after all

I have lots of questions to answer after all

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


I know the chapter is kinda short but I wanted to reveal the tiny itsy bitsy part of the past in a new chapter.

Sooooo... What do you think?
How does Luciana knows the twins? And most important whose POV do you want next- Luciana or Ashton?

If you have any ideas regarding the plot dm me :)

Adios amigo

~justairpodswithleash, xx

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