I cringed when I realised I was still dressed in the black clothing I'd donned weeks ago, and my crusted hair framed my face. I'd accidentally fallen asleep last night while Alek was showering, having told myself I would only get a minute's rest before cleaning up. By the look of the light shining from under the door, it had been much longer than an hour.

Motivated by the promise of a warm shower, I clambered out of bed and tried to shake off my dreamwalk with Persephone. Back in reality, it already felt like much time had passed, but her confirmation of my bloodline lingered with me, leaving me with more questions than answers. I sneaked quietly out of my room, not wanting to disturb Alek if he was still sleeping, but was shocked to find his door open and bedroom empty.

I walked through the rest of the apartment, all of the rooms checking out as empty. When I headed back towards the kitchen, I saw a small note sitting atop the kitchen counter.

Gone out to get supplies and to look for Cleo. I'll be back tonight. DON'T leave the apartment – A.

My stomach churned. Alek wouldn't be back for at least half a day, which meant I was in this big, empty apartment alone. My gaze moved to the floor to ceiling windows, which made me feel like I was in an exhibit. I could see the outside world, but that didn't mean they couldn't see me.

I wish this apartment had curtains, I thought, wrapping my arms around myself to starve off the oncoming uneasiness.

A knock on the front door made me jump, sending my heart into overdrive. I froze, staring at it like someone might knock it down, but the person behind it had only knocked gently. I tiptoed towards it, spying through the peephole. A young woman dressed in a plain grey dress stood in front of the door with an unassuming expression, holding a basket of folded clothing against her side.

I pressed my back against the door, taking deep breaths.

Another knock sounded, sending vibrations through me.

The woman spoke up. "Sabrina? Jackal sent me to give you fresh clothes for today and tonight."

The doubt I was feeling didn't cease. The woman at the door looked innocent enough, but then so had the woman in the streets. I stayed silent and motionless for a few moments, wondering whether or not I should open the door.

I heard a sigh. "Miss, I know you're inside the apartment. I'll leave these clothes for you right here so you can collect them."

I looked through the peephole and watched her roll her eyes and place the basket roughly on the floor. When the sound of her receding footsteps faded, I relaxed and waited a few more extra moments before opening the door and reaching for the basket. Just as I picked it up, the clicking noise of an unlocking door sounded and the opposite apartment door swung open, startling me.

A middle-aged male stepped out, his eyes widening upon seeing me. I fumbled with the handles of the basket, trying to stop myself from spilling its contents in front of him. Just the sight of him – his face covered in scars with a hardened expression – made my face paled.

A guy like that doesn't get scars from sitting around and doing nothing.

A smile appeared on his lips, but it wasn't a kind one, it was calculated and forced.

"Morning," he said, his eyes never leaving my face. I must've looked a sight; like I'd been rolling around like a pig in dirt.

"Morning," I squeaked, mentally berating myself. Before I could make matters worse, I shuffled back into the apartment, closing the door firmly behind me with an awkward smile. The second I was inside I placed the basket gently onto the floor and pressed my eye against the peephole.

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