I Can't 2

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Overview: I Can't Part Two

-Kaycee's POV-

"Kendyl your feet! Point you toes! Hope! Your lines what happened! Sammi, Naia, Alyssa, Rylee good! Ella tighten your stomach! Delaney use your face!" I told them over and over again. "Alyssa you were so good two seconds ago where did those feet come from all of a sudden! And Naia your hands!" I sighed even tired of yelling at my own kid. "Mommy it's time we have thirty minutes to get there" Naia and Sammi ran up to me getting excited. "Alright Kendyl, Hope, and Alyssa come on you girls parent's said that you can come help me pick my wedding dress!" I laughed and dismissed them to go change. "I can't believe it I get to live with my best friend!" Sammi hugged Naia. "You mean step sister" Naia corrected her and pulled out a certificate saying that Sean and I adopted her. "Oh my god your kidding right?" Sammi said starting to cry and we both shook our heads no. "Oh my god" she hugged me and started crying. "So your my mom now?" Sammi looked at me. "Only if you are comfortable with it and we found out that Sean isn't your biological brother he is your adoptive brother" I told her. "Well Sean and I kind of guessed that I don't look Chinese I look Korean" Sammi laughed and hugged me again. "Okay all wedding excitement aside the competition is in two days and Sammi be careful when you have when you do you back splits you sometimes invert your knee. Naia try to spot when you are turning you travel a little" I hopped back into dance teacher mode then right back to mother mode. "Kaycee! We are done!" Hope ran up to us with Kendyl and Alyssa. "Alright Sammi you're in the front with me since you are the oldest" I laughed and unlocked the car. "Do you know what kind of dress you want?" Kendyl pushed herself up against my chair to ask me. "Not really I was thinking something on the very very simple side" I giggled and started the car. "Naia want's AUX" Alyssa said and took the AUX cord. Like mother like daughter. Kendyl looked kind of sad the entire car ride well not sad but bummed she sat in the corner while Naia, Alyssa, and Sammi were talking and laughing.

I pulled up to the bridal store and sent all the girls in first while I held back with Kendyl. "Kendyl what's up everyone was talking and laughing and you were just sitting there is something going on at home" I asked her and she shook her head no. "It's nothing at home I couldn't talk to them even if I wanted to Naia hasn't talked to me yet" she frowned. "Aww Kendyl I'm sorry" I hugged her. "It's okay she's tried but she couldn't" Kendyl shrugged. "Kendyl she loves you so so so much you are her best friend she always asks for you to come over but she always changes her mind cause she says she can't say anything so she can't do anything with you" I told her. "I want to talk to her but for me to talk to her she needs Sammi, Alyssa, Rylee, Hope, Ella, or Delaney there and it makes me feel defeated" Kendyl gasped and leaned against the car. "Oh Kendyl there is no reason to feel defeated Kendyl she didn't talk to Sean until two days ago only because I said no the first time and she felt so bad. Don't worry she will talk to you soon" I picked her up and we walked into the bridal store. We found everyone else sitting down on a chair and we waited for a consultant to walk in.

"Hi guys I'm Karla and I'm your consultant and who's our bride today?" she smiled and looked at us. I raised my hand and smiled. "Kaycee Rice is our bride! My daughter is going to freak out" she laughed and all the girls turned to look at me. "Who have you brought with you today?" she asked me still smiling. "I brought my daughters Naia and Sammi, then I have two of my seven bridesmaids Alyssa and Kendyl" I put my hand on each one as I said their names. "Alright do you know what kind of dress you are looking for? Or your budget?" Karla aske me and I shook my head. "My fiancé's dad is paying for the dress since my parents aren't in this continent at the moment, so he said no more the $5,000 which I was going to say 3,000 and he's being generous" I laughed nervously and blushed to the point I was red as a cherry. "Alright then let's get looking! Kaycee come with me and girls go pick a dress together." Karla smiled at them. "Are you going to be okay Ni?" I kissed her head. "I'll be okay" she told me and ran off holding hands with Kendyl. "You can head to the dressing room and I'll pull in some dresses" she smiled and opened the dressing room. I sat down and started playing with my fingers. And ran through some choreography I had been working on for a while. It was a nervous habit I had and I was extremely nervous. "Okay we have some dresses here this a fitted mermaid dress with some beading on it Alyssa picked this one" she said as she helped me in.

"Okay no" I started laughing as I looked at myself in the mirror. "Two questions are you going out to show them and secondly how come your kids don't seem to know you're the Kaycee Rice?" she asked me. "Well for the first question yes I want Alyssa to see and secondly I don't know I haven't danced in years they also think that Sean and I only met four years ago when really met nearly twenty years ago" I laughed nervously. "It's not my say but you should tell them they wont hate you I promise" she smiled at me. "My brother used to say that to me" I smiled at her. I pulled out my phone and texted Sean I was going to tell them the truth. He gave a good luck bitmoji and I walked out with Karla, who I'm pretty sure is Devon's wife but who knows he just up and disappeared. "Mommy no" Naia ran up to me. "Oh Petal I know" I laughed and turned to Alyssa. "Oh my gosh Kaycee I'm so sorry" she laughed. "It's alright girls I want you all to not hate me and sit down" I nervously walked over to everyone else. "Okay so you all think that I met Sean four years ago when the truth is I actually met him nearly twenty. We met when we were eight and nine. We were best friends unstoppable. We ruled the dance world we competed on World of Dance and we got cut in the divisional finals. But that only sky rocketed our career keep in mind we were 15 and 16. When I was 17 I started dating Naia's father and he raped me that's how I got Naia. I hated being rapped but if it wasn't for it I wouldn't have my beautiful daughter. I was so embarrassed that I got pregnant at 18 that whenever Sean would come over I would hide in my room. I told him to forget about me. I felt disgusting. So I shut him out of my life. Six years later he walks Sammi into the studio one day and walked right back into my life" I nervously looked at them. "Wow Kaycee your so brave" Kendyl broke the silence. "Mommy I'm so proud of you" Naia hugged me. "I love you guys so much" I hugged them all. "The dress is absolutely hideous but I love you too" Alyssa stared at the dress. "Okay then let's move on this is a collective no" Karla helped me up and we shuffled back to the room.

"This is Kendyl's pick she picked a bohemian dress with lace on it" I got tied up and looked at it. "I mean it's better not amazing but better" I looked in the mirror. "Let's go show Kendyl and the girls" Karla picked up the bottom of the dress and we walked out. "It's better than the other one?" Kendyl shook her head as a no. "I mean I like it? But it looks like a sun dress" Alyssa pointed out. She was definitely the most opinionated. "I agree with Alyssa it does look like a sun dress" Sammi agreed. Naia shook her head as a no so that was a definite no. "Okay then the next one is from Naia and Sammi" Karla picked up the dress and we walked out.

"Oh wow it's gorgeous" I laughed and spun around. "You love it don't you" Karla laughed and I went on her phone. "I do Karla" I spun around again. "Sorry it's my husband. He wants to know how the appointment is going?" she looked strangely at the phone and facetimed him. "Kar how's it going?" I heard the voice that hadn't been in my life for years. "Devon" I coughed loudly and fell off my chair. "Oh my god Kaycee" Karla helped me back up. "Hey Kayc" he waved. "Oh wait a minute Devon Rice.. LIKE KAYCEE RICE'S SISTER" she yelled. "Yeah" I laughed. "Why wasn't she invited to the wedding Kylie's invited" Karla propped the phone up. "She didn't answer my RSVP email or texts that I have been sending for the past six years" Devon shrugged. "I never got anything" I shrugged. "Really he made me send forty messages to theonlyweirdoiknow at gmail.com." Karla made some adjustments to the dress. "Devon I changed my email years ago to kayceerice at hotmail.com" I sighed and Naia and Sammi bursted through the door. "Mom they are asking us about bridesmaid dress appointments" Sammi told me. "We told them Saturday" Naia whispered and Devon screamed. "What they heck she has two kids!" Devon looked shocked. "She's like seven years younger than us and she has two kids! We don't have any!" he kept yelling. "Dev chill Naia is my biological kid I adopted Sammi with my fiancé" I picked up Naia. "Okay Kaycee let's show the rest of the kids since to barged in" Karla laughed and opened the door for me and we walked out. "That's the one" Alyssa and Kendyl screamed the minute I walked out. "I was thinking the same thing" I told them and smiled. I span around again. "Okay then the price runs for 2,500 but since it's Kaycee Rice I'm sure we can lower it a bit" Karla smiled at me.

When she said lower the price I can tell you for sure I wasn't expecting free. But it was a nice gesture. "Thank you for the dress Karla" I hugged her. "No problem since you are my sister in law now and everything" she hugged back. "Okay bye guys! Karla you are invited to my wedding Devon not so much maybe as a plus one!" I waved bye and laughed as we walked out of the store. The only thing left was to pick bridesmaid dresses and then get married. Hopefully it's as easy as it sounds. I looked at the three girls next to me and smiled.

A/N- this chapter was an emotional rollercoaster for me. i recently found out that I'm going to be moving out of Tennessee to California. All my cousins live in Tennessee so to leave is tough but that gives me an excuse to write because i don't wanna pack im in denial so you will probably get some updates :) Remember to stay WEIRD and find your inner LEWSER!

-Faith :)

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