Telepathic Abilities

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 Overview: Sean and Kaycee are best friends and they have been since they were 15 and 16 and when they told their friends they are freakishly connected their friends didn't believe them. Until one day where they were separated entire day in the same house each locked with their friends in a room until their friends believed them.

"Okay why are we doing this at five in the morning?" I asked my friends as they dragged me out of bed. "No reason other than you couldn't plan anything with Sean the make us believe that you guys have telepathic abilities" Tati shrugged and kept dragging me and me curly hair out of bed. "You know you could have just told us instead of dragging us out of bed" Sean suggested and Chloe threw him the you really think we would actually believe you were going to get out of bed look. "We as your best friends do not believe you cause are freakishly connected" Julian said and pulled my leg which caused me to fall of the bed. "Oww!" the little curly haired girl screamed. "You are fine" Gabe pulled the two stuck in bed for the last time so they were out of bed. "Okay so explain to us what we are doing" Sean looked at his friends very unamused. "Well Kaycee, Tati and I will be in theater room all day since it has a bathroom, microwave and some food and if we need food we can post mates to us. While you boys stay in the living room and kitchen and we will see if y'all really are telepathic" Chloe explained to us. "Alright let's go you to get your hugs out or whatever you do in the morning" Tati swatted us with her hand. 

"You okay with this?" Sean asked me and I shrugged. "I mean we don't have a choice do we?" I asked him and he chuckled at me. "We always have a choice Ricebowl" I kissed my forehead like he does every morning we are together. "Not today Shamu I'll see you after they lets us out" I hugged him. "My Mom is going to be so confused when she gets home" Sean laughed. "Well tell her I love her! And that I'll see her after this weird stuff is over" I smiled at him and got dragged by my friends away. 

"Okay what's going on with you two? He kissed your forehead!" Chloe shrieked as I set down pillows and blankets for us. "Nothing we're just friends" I looked at her and plopped onto the blankets. "WE ARE JUST FRIENDS" Sean shouted at the top of his lungs. I held my hand up proving we had telepathic abilities. "Nope it could be a coincidence I mean Chloe screamed it out loud" Tati rolled her eyes at her. "What! I'm sorry I wasn't expecting that much Seaycee content in like a minute!" she laughed and plopped down next to me. "Can we eat something? I want food Sean usually makes me pink pancakes cause he thinks he makes me work to hard so I want pancakes" I crossed my arms like a five year old and sat there.  "We can post mates Denny's or I can go upstairs and steal breakfast from the boys" Chloe told us and my eyes lit up for the second option. "Go steal from them I'm pretty sure Sean is making pink pancakes anyways"  I told her and she got up and left.

"Well I'm starting to believe they are telepathic Sean made pink pancakes and his excuse was Kaycee's hungry" Chloe handed me the pancakes. "You forgot syrup Chlo" I giggled at her and got up. "Where do you think you are going missy!" Tati pulled my arm down. "To get my special syrup?" I looked at them and they shook their head. " I got it" Tati ran out of the room and came back with syrup. "He was waiting at the kitchen entrance saying Kaycee wants syrup here tell her to only to use one pump" Tati handed my the syrup and I put three pumps and laughed. "Kayc! He said one pump!" Chloe took the bottle from me. "Yeah one meaning three" I shrugged and starting eating my pancakes. "I swear Sean and Kaycee are gonna drive me crazy" Tati laid on the blankets and started snacking on popcorn. "Hey! That's mean!" I crossed my arms and turned away. "Kayc she didn't mean it like that" Chloe laughed and I turned back around.  "Hey guys we have a message for you" Gabe came through the doorway. "Umm yeah it's not in English though it's Wǒ zài sāniào kùzi, qǐng zài chuān yītiáo kùzi?" Julian said unsure of himself and I groaned. "Not again" I walked up to my backpack and pulled out a pair of pants and underwear. I handed it to Julian and everyone was confused as hell. "Tell him this Nín de mǔqīn xiào ēn·lú jiāng fēicháng shīwàng! and that we will talk about it later" I told him and pushed them out of the room.

"I didn't know you could speak Chinese Kayc" Chloe looked at me. "Yeah Miya taught me for whenever she wants to talk about Sean with me behind his back" I smiled at them and plopped back down. "Well then what happened?" Tati asked me. "He doesn't want anyone to know so that's why he told me in Chinese but I told him his mother would be disappointed in him" I looked at my friends. "Was he watching p-" I put my hand over Tati's mouth. "No Tati he was not watching porn" I smacked her and turned on the projector. "Let's watch a movie" I looked at them and they nodded. "Does he have Fault In Our Stars?" Chloe asked me and I nodded and grabbed the DVD. "What about sour patch?" she asked me and I smiled. "Which one is it?? Probably this one Sean favors his right" I whispered to myself and opened the cabinet. "Ah ha! Here guys" I tossed them each a box of candy. "How do you eat this all the time and yet your so skinny!" Tati huffed and opened the box. "I don't fast metabolism?" I told her and laughed. "Guys shush the movie is starting" Chloe shushed us and we sat down next to her.

The movie was great. Us girls not so great. I was balling my eyes out and Tati and Chloe were trying to comfort me but it wasn't working out very well. "Kaycee are you crying?" he asked us and I nodded. "Sean knew he sent me with to much stuff so umm I brought a wagon?" he looked at me and handed me three box of tissues, lots of ice cream, cakes, and a letter. "Of course he sent strawberry cake he knew I was craving" I mumbled and grabbed the letter. "Actually he did say that he also said before you eat anyt-" I cut him off.  "I know read the letter" I opened the letter and it read.

Dear Kaycee,
Now that we have clearly proven that we are telepathic my mom is looking for you and she wants your help setting that table she said you do it best. Also my dad is looking for you? He said you promised to help him with something? I don't know but I have a feeling it has to do with my mom's birthday but I let that be. Me, my mom, and my dad are waiting for you you know where also eat the cake your craving I can feel it.
- Shamu

"His mom and dad need me plus we proved we are telepathic so Julian bring the wagon and let's go!!" I cheered and ran to him. "Kayc" he whispered in my hair. "Never again I missed you too much" I hugged him. "Okay never again" I smiled onto my head. "Happy half birthday Kayc now come one let's eat your cake" he smiled at me. "You remembered" I looked at him. "Of course" he smiled at me and I poked his dimple.

A/N- First one shot!!! Okay I had so many ideas so like this was all over the place but I hope you enjoyed it!!! And comment when your half birthday is! Mine is March 7! And remember to stay WEIRD and find your inner LEWSER!!

-Faith :)

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