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Overview: Sean and Kaycee were engaged when Sean got the call that he was needed a two year army service. It's been hard on both of them but Kaycee especially.

-Kaycee's POV on a call-

"Hey" I whispered dryly. "Hey Kayc what's wrong?" he could feel something was wrong with me through the phone that's how well her knew me. "Nothing Shamu nothing's I'm just tired" I wasn't lying nothing was really wrong. I was tired. I was tried of crying myself to sleep because he wasn't here when I needed him or when I wanted a hug or a kiss on the forehead. It was selfish of me to want him to come back. "I miss you" he told me. "I miss you too" I smiled slightly. "You sound sad" he said. "I'm not it's just my birthday is tomorrow and you won't be here" I frowned. "I know but two weeks and then I come home and I'll make it up to you we will go somewhere just the two of us" he told me. "Alright sounds nice Mom and Dad want to take me out today so I'm gonna go I love you" I whimpered. "I love you to Kayc" he said and hung up. After that I broke down crying. I cried for a long time. "Hey Kayc were back and we- oh Kaycee" Serris ran to me. "I-it's hard S-Serris t-tomorrow is m-my 24 b-birthday" I sobbed and sobbed. "I know I know it's okay just two more weeks then he will be back" she rubbed the back of my head. "B-but w-will I b-be b-back? I-I haven't felt l-like m-myself in y-years" I hiccupped. "That's our hope now come on let's get you dressed up and have fun" Serris pulled me up off the ground and dragged me to my own room. "No you aren't wearing one of his hoodies" she looked at me and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Wow Kayc you look amazing" Sarah hugged me. "You look amazing too Sarah" I wrapped my arms around her. "You were crying weren't you?" she asked me and I laughed a little. "Yeah just a bit" I wiped my eyes. "Don't cry he will be back soon I promise" Miya enveloped me. "I'm okay I promise thank you for the dinner" I hugged her. "Thank you for taking our son from us he was a handful" Cheuk laughed and hugged me. "I've been stuck with him since I was 15" I laughed and sat down. "Wow this is really beautiful thank you" I smiled at them. "Anything for our sister in law!" Serris cheered and drank her water. "Not yet Ser were only engaged" I showed her the single ring on my finger. "Oh to what you guys have been engaged since you guys were like 16!" Sarah laughed. "Oh come one leave her alone guys it's not easy right now" Miya scolded them. "It's okay" I giggled and started eating my food. "Are we late?" I heard my sisters voice from behind me. "I didn't know you guys were coming" I stood up and hugged her. "What kind of sister would I be if I didn't come?" she laughed and took a seat next Miya. "Hey I'm here too!" my brother put his hand on his chest like he was hurt. "Oh come on Devon give me a break!" I joked and hugged him. "Mom and Dad wanted to come but their with Bailey's parents" Devon looked at me. "It's okay Dev Mr. Holt's health is more important plus it's my 24th birthday it's not that important" I looked at him and re took my seat and started eating.

"This was amazing thank you guys" I hugged Miya and Cheuk. "It's no problem really" Miya kissed my forehead. "Now you better get going you have that party tomorrow" Cheuk clapped and shoed us off. "Serris have I ever told you how much I love you for living with me until Sean comes back?" I looked at her and she laughed. "Yes a lot of times everyday" she kept her eyes on the road. "I can't believe you are moving out in two weeks" I groaned. "I don't think I can survive without you" I looked at her. "You know I don't think I can live without you either and I talked to Sean since me and Kylee broke up he said I can stay in the guest room" she looked at me. "What! Really!" I screamed and hugged her. "Only if you are alright with it" she laughed and pulled into our driveway. "Of course I am! This is the best thing ever don't tell Sarah but my favorite Lew sister gets to stay with me!" I cheered and hopped out of the car. "Okay now let's get changed eat ice cream and watch the Office!" Serris claimed as we stepped in the house. "You got it!' I saluted her and ran off. 

-The Next Morning-

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Kaycee! Happy Birthday to you!" I heard a bunch of voiced mixed together. "Aww thanks guys" I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. "Now we have specific instructions from Sean of what to do today" Tate and Tati each grabbed on of my hands and pulled me to my closet. "He said no sweatshirts especially his" Tate grabbed some clothes of my hangers. "Please don't make a mess I don't feel like cleaning it again" I sat on the chair in my closet. "You own basically no nice clothes so here's a crop top and some jeans" Tati handed me clothes and I changed. "Wow I haven't worn this shirt since my first date" I rubbed my shirt. "We know girl now come on Chloe and Julian are waiting for us downstairs" Tate dragged me down. "Hey guys" I laughed and hugged them. "Oh my god have you seen her eyes she looks like she's been crying all night!" Chloe shrieked. "Well she won't have time to cry today! Sean gave us an entire schedule to have you go through!" Julian cheered and hugged me. "Actually I was hoping we could just lounge around today" I looked at them hopeful. "Yeah till 11 then he said that we should go to IMMA" Chloe looked at her phone. "Then we should go to the beach and that's where we will end the day" Tate finished reading the list. "Wait why are we going to IMMA?" I looked at them and they ignored me. "Oh shoot it's 10:50 we better get going!" Gabe came out of no where. "What the heck! Where did you come from!" I put my hand on my heart. "I've been here the whole time" he shrugged and everyone started leaving. "This is the strangest birthday ever" I whispered to myself and walked out.

"There the birthday girl is!" Janelle hugged me. "Hey Janelle" I returned the hug. "How has it been?" she asked me. "Well I have two weeks then it should all be good" I laughed and looked at everyone. "So is anyone going to tell my why we are here?" I asked everyone in the room. "Sorry not yet" JoJo appeared out of no where. "Where are you guys coming from?" I looked at her in disbelief. "We have been here the whole time Kaycee you feeling okay?" Tricia put her hand on my forehead. "Honestly I have no idea anymore" I sat down on the bench and rubbed my eyes. "Well since everyone is here let's facetime Sean!" Chloe suggested and I pulled out my phone. It rang exactly 5 times before he picked up. "Ah there my beautiful birthday girl is" he said which caused a blush to creep up my face. "Hi Shamu how are you?" I smiled at him. "I'm okay sad I can't be there for your birthday though but I see Chloe, Gabe, Tati, Tahani, Tate, Taylor, JoJo, Josh, Tricia, Will, and Janelle got the schedule I sent" he waved to everyone. "Yes we did!" Taylor pitched in. "I guess so" I laughed. "Anyways I'm guessing you don't know why you are at IMMA so I'll explain. I set a little surprise and once you finish it which will take a while you can head to the beach." he said and hung up. "I'm guessing I have some decisions" I laughed and everyone nodded.

"I officially give up with her it's been 5 hours let's take her to the beach already" Julian threw his hands up. "I agree she's only made two decisions" Gabe put his hand on my head and I crossed my arms. "It's not my fault the girls are making it even harder to make a decision" I huffed then pouted. "Alright let's just get in the car and get going to the beach" Taylor spun her keys around her finger and we all followed her to the car. I hopped into the front seat and stole the AUX cord. "You're lucky it's your birthday" Taylor laughed at me and I shuffled my playlist. "Bruh these songs are making me sad" Tate groaned and laid her head on my chair. "Can you blame her? Her fiancé is currently in the solider in the army" Chloe rolled her eyes. "Thank you guys for reminding me constantly" I laughed and changed the playlist.

We pulled up to the beach and to say it was gorgeous was an understatement. It was beyond gorgeous. "Wow guys this is amazing" I breathed out. "We knew you would like it" Serris hugged me so I returned the hug. "You guys are amazing you know?" I looked at all of my friends. "Oh trust me we know" Tati flipped her hair. "Well what are you doing Kayc! Let's swim!" Taylor screamed. "I don't know guys..." I looked into the sunset. "Oh come one after we can do cake?" Bailey looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Fine" I mumbled. "She said yes!" Tate screamed and ran into the ocean. "Let's chicken fight!!" Sarah screamed so I hopped on Tate's shoulders. "Oh we are so going to win this" she rubbed her hands together. "Oh you know it" I laughed and we started playing. Update. Tate and I did win which mean nothing absolutely nothing. I feel lowkey cheated. "Cake time everyone!" Miya called for us.

"Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Kaycee happy birthday to you!" everyone sang but I heard on super off key voice and turned around. Everyone cleared a path and I saw Sean at the end of it. "S-Sean?" I looked up at him. "Hi Kaycee" he laughed and opened his arms for me to hug him. "Oh my god you're okay you're early" I touched his face. "Yes I'm early I got enough hours" he kissed my forehead. "I missed you so much" I hugged him again. "I missed you too" he hugged me. Officially the best birthday forever.

A/N- YAAAAAAAAAY lowkey went back and forth between this and Never Forget You which is next. So if it's a song one shot i will link the song on the top. Hope you enjoyed. Remember to stay WEIRD and find your inner LEWSER!

-Faith :)

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