Never Forget You

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Overview: Based off the song Never Forget You by Zara Larson and MNEK

-Third Person-

I will never forget you

"We made progress we found reported sighting of her" a lady handed a certain Asian boy a case folder. 

"I don't think this is her she always said that she would want to dye her hair blonde if she dyed her hair any color. She said she would never go dark ever again" Sean handed Jane his case worker back the folder and she picked it up and sighed.

"Sean I made a promise to you that I am going to find her. I will find her" Jane rubbed her eyebrows. She turned around to her file cabinet and pulled out another file.

"Well yesterday while police were looking for another person they found a nearly dead body. The description fit her perfectly I was hoping it wasn't her but here" she handed the very tired Asian boy.

You will always be by my side

"It can't be her I saw her this morning she came in my room smiled her favorite smile and left again. Jane I need to know where she's going so I can convince her to come back for good. I need her we have to find her" he pleaded to her with hopeful eyes. 

"We are trying our best Sean. By this time the case is usually closed and they are presumed dead." Jane put the file back in to her cabinet and closed it.

"Do you think that she actually ran away and doesn't want to come back?" Sean slammed his hand on the desk. You could see the anger rising inside of him. 

"Sean calm down you saw her today right so no I don't think she ran away and doesn't want to come back" Jane touched his arm. Sean looked out the window and stared outside. There she was smiling her million dollar smile at him. She nodded and disappeared again.

"No come back! Don't leave again!" Sean shouted at the window. Jane turned to him and faced him. 

"Sean who are you talking to no one is there it's just you and me. Your mom is outside the other window" Jane consoled him.

"I saw her! She was there! She smiled at me like she always does. Then she nodded and left again!" he started crying and crying was not something Sean Lew did very often. But then again a lot had happened over the year and Sean Lew was not who he was last year.

"Okay Sean that's all for today I need to talk to your mom and then you guys can head home" Sean nodded and exited the room and Miya walked in. 

"How is he doing Jane?" Miya asked her and sat down right where Sean sat. Jane looked at her and sighed.

"He's getting worse and worse every fake case we give him he starting not to believe it. The sightings he knows they aren't her. He spent every second of his life with her. He knows her too well to believe this. He keeps seeing her he's not over her" Jane told her and Miya sighed.

"Well what do we do?" she asked Jane and Jane turned to look at her. 

"I have one more case to try but this isn't actually a fake case we have a sighting of her from around a year ago from a coffee shop. We can use that and show him" Jane showed her the photos. 

"This could work I'll bring him back tomorrow thank you Jane" Miya smiled at Jane and she returned the smile. 

"Anytime" Jane closed the door to her office and slid down the door. Until tomorrow she thought to herself. Until tomorrow.

-The Next Day-

I will always remember the day that I met you

"Good Morning Sean! I have some good news! She was spotted at a coffee shop a couple towns over!" Jane said cheery as she brought out the file to show Sean.

"Jane this is old very old whoever showed you this played you. I went to this coffee shop with her when we made it out of the qualifiers after world of dance. That was our out fit" Sean handed her back the file.

"Sean yes I know you talk about it a lot but look at the date stamp. This was yesterday night" Jane handed him back the folder. 

"As much as I want to believe it Jane she hated that place. She said she never wanted to go back." Sean pushed the folder back to her. 

"I've told you about the day we met right? We were 7 and 8 it was a dance convention I believe. She was supposed to go on after me since we were in the same age category. Our parents had known each other somehow and they asked us to take a picture. So we willing did not really knowing who each other were. She said that she'd only take one picture with me a year since she had a partner already. We would run into each other at competitions all the time but she stuck to that one picture a year. When grew up as mutual friends till 2017 I asked her to do a concept video with me once we did it to show her the video we met up at a tea house. When we got there someone poured tea on my laptop causing the entire video to disappear which meant we had to re do it. She swore on her life that the place was bad luck and that she would never go back. And she didn't. If you don't get she is the most stubborn person ever and she said she would never go back which like absolutely means she would never go back." Sean re told this story to Jane for around the 100th time since they have started working on her case.

"Sean you tell me this story nearly everyday I know she must of been super stubborn but you can't really argue with the solid proof that we have." Jane countered to him.

"Yes I can argue with the proof Jane I knew her better than anyone which makes it even harder to know that I can't figure out where she is going!" Sean yelled at Jane and she took a step back. And then she appeared in front of him again. She smiled at him yet again. But this time she touched his cheek and disappeared. 

"No don't leave again please" he begged thin air while tears started to come out of his eyes. 

"Okay Sean a lot has happened today go wait outside while I talk with Miya" she urged him out and he left with out a single word.

"Any better?" Miya looked at Jane hopeful and she nodded no. Jane motioned for Miya to take a seat as she talked to her.

"Today was a lot worse actually. I showed him the proof and he told me about how he took her there and she swore to never go back so he knows that's not her cause when she swears about something like that she swears. I tried to tell him he can't argue with proof but he said he could he knew her better than anyone which is why it's so hard that he can't find her. He saw her again except this time she touched his cheek too. So he's getting worse and worse and worse everyday." Jane told Miya. Miya rubbed her forehead and sighed.

"He's right though she was very stubborn and persistent did he tell you about the time they first met or the tea house?" Miya asked Jane and she nodded silently telling Miya that something needs to be done.

"Well what do you suggest we do?" Miya asked Jane and she sighed.

You will always be by my side
Till the day I die

"I suggest taking him to the grave of Kaycee Caitlin Rice"

A/N- This is kind of sad but I like it! New writing style not sure if I like it it looks very small but I think I'll keep it for Song shots that's it so don't worry not changing it like this if you like my other style but yeah! Remember to stay WEIRD and find your inner LEWSER!

-Faith :)

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