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Koyal's pov-

Working on this project is too much hectic. I can't do it anymore, I need to rest now. Bulking down my head on my pillow I remember what all happend today. I know that I don't talk with Karan alot and it shouldn't have effected me but whatever happpned it's because of us. I never wanted to hurt him.What he must be thinking of me now, that classroom incident was not enough that this also happened. What he would say to his friends, ohh no! he should not be saying this to Natasha and his group. What if this thing went to Rishi also. I have tell him before anyone else tells him.

I picked up my phone and immediately texted to Rishi" hey I wanna tell you something. Pls, don't be mad at me. Misha was just casually telling about Natasha's family and in the flow I also came to know about your Mother too. I am sorrry for that, I didn't mean to peep into your past life but it just happened, I also wanted to listen this through your own mouth but till then Karan came and he misunderstood everything. I hope you will understand me. I was not wanting any bad for him too."

I wrote everything impulsively and waited for his reply, after a min he texted"yaa! I know, Natasha told me everything. She said all the things which Karan has told her. I was too stumped at first but....it's fine and yes we need to talk about it". I finally released my breath peacefully.

I replied"ohh, I.. you can't even imagine Rishi that what relief I got on knowing that you are not angry about it, I thought you might not talk to me after that...but you" he cut me off" Koyal I know.. this might be new to you and it's my fault also that I didn't told you about this, I should have but I didn't thought that this thing will come so early."

I replied him back"no it's totally fine..it's your personal family issue and I don't have right to discuss but still it was  my fault".  He replied" chill sweetheart .. it's just a past and you are worrying unneccesarily

I became much more relaxed after  reading this statement and him calling me sweetheart I..I think he has not been effected much.. I replied "ok ....and thanks"

He replied back after a moment"Why thanks..you have to apologize in good way otherwise I will not talk to you"..I chuckled while texting back to him
" okkk..so what I have to do now?"

He replied"come with me"

"where" I replied with excitement ..."I will take you somewhere be ready tommorow". I replied "ok........."

(suddenly her mom shouts her name from drawing room,
Koyal immeditately goes there)

Koyal: what happened mom?

her mother: there is some parcel for you..but sender's name is not written see

Koyal: what parcel...show me?

(her mom gives her parcel and koyal tries to think what is this and why it came for her and tries to think what could be inside it by feeling the box. She started opening that parcel with full curiousity.

later when parcel was opened, her jaw dropped..it was a red colour bra..she was totally null.. and looked at her mom who was seeing this bra with full astonishment. She forced her mind to think of something better)

Her Mom: Koyal...what is this?

Koyal: Aa.. mom actually, Misha ordered this for me very earlier.One day I asked her about this bra and she told me to buy it. But I didn't. Later on she told me that she has ordered two sets of this bra one for herself and one for me. It just went away from my mind.

Mom: Ohh, but why you girls ordered this type of bra.. Koyal this.?

Koyal: ya mom, I know.. I will replace it surely, she oredered wrong one, I will call her.

Mom: yah. go!

( with this Koyal quickly went to her room taking that bra with herself and closed the door)

Koyal's POV-

How dare he? I mean did he really send me this..... my hands were shivering. I looked at the bra silently and beacame bit shock after seeing that it's of my exact size.

Now I don't know where to hide my face.I picked up my phone and texted to that stalker" did you sent this parcel to me?"

His reply came within mins" so tried that bra.. it's your size, 32 perfectly;) isn't that sexy... You will look so hot in that. I specially chose that one for you"

Why he makes me speechless with his each dirtu reply. I wrote back" why did you.. what the heck is your problem.I thought you would not  disturb me again but no, your mind is rotten.You know I am committed right now, you send me that chit also. Listen clearly, I am not any slut. You can screw whoever you want but just stay from me !!! Otherwise it will not be good for you"

For a min, I didn't got any reply.. I think he will not... but he again replied"ohh so congrats for your fake relation but you both don't look good at all with each other. Koyallllll baby you are not made for him"

Is he mad? what is he saying ? I texted " what fake relation, I like him alot and I am serious for him.Get lost and don't disturb me again"

His reply came back" ohh common ice cream you don't love him.Don't lie and he can't keep you happy."

Ohh really, what he thinks of himself, I texted back" Now a sick stalker like you would tell me who I like and who not. You are no one to tell me this, you have no right to order me."

 He replied" come to me ice cream, I will show you every things moon, sun , stars;););). I will explain you how I own you in each and every way.I own your pussy sweatheart..how could you forget that". My mind became numb again. I curse myself for that day every sec.

His text came in secs again" and baby don't worry about that bra, you will not need that later because I will increase your number by then"

I replied him back reflecting anger" fuck you" and he instantly replied        "  love.. believe me I am more excited to fuck you bad and your punishment is also pending. Be ready, you will be screaming and begging to me on my bed."

I didn't replied him and it's better not to reply him back. He is no more sane. But the next message that he wrote took my breath..he texted" Btw baby, is your bf fine that you had hots for a stranger or.. you didn't told him the truth"

I replied quickly without thinking twice" he knows everything and he is not a fucker like you. He is a sensible guy and accepted me as I am" .

It was important to not show him any weak sign.  He again replied" seriously, if it so then I am right, you have not told him everything right ?? Koyal Koyal.. what a liar you are, why you love to lie so much."

I was shaking and I don't want to spoil my relationship with Rishi, I replied" No, he knows everything and why should I share  our personal thing with you and don't you dare to disturb me again."

His reply came back" Dont lie Koyal, I know you have not told him everything, Ok............. let's have a bet if you truly love him or have so much secure feeling about him then tell him everything. If you won, I promise I will never disturb you again and I will accept your so called love. But if not then I can't...."

what.. no.. I can't tell this to Rishi and why he is after me so badly, why is this happening with me and then again a reply came, " I assume that you are not willing to tell him the truth. You are so mean....so my bitch like to play with  people.Why you like to cheat with the feelings of  people. You are such a mean bitch. First you used  me for your pleasure and now you will use your bf. Then why don't you show your real face to the world, why you act like so good and innocent."

I replied" No... I don't.  I am not a liar and not mean in anyway. It's you who is irritating and harrasing me alot. I love Rishi, not you. I never used you. Go to hell..." I wanted to cry but anger inside me was not letting me to  even cry freely.

He texted back" Yes, you are..and ice cream, get ready for your punishment and don't you dare to run away from me. You really deserve a hard punishment and so.. be ready for fun"

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