16) What?

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"Okay, Monty... How's it looking?" Raven asks as she and the rest of the company huddle around him and the laptop in front of him. It's been a few days since the launch of the app and they are now looking at their numbers and ratings to determine the success of their latest app. Everyone had refrained from looking at the numbers too much right after the launch. They know that it's more reliable and precise to check a few days after.

Monty scrolls for a few seconds before he looks up at everyone. "Guys...." His expression blank and not giving anything away.

"What, Monty? Just tell us!" Pleads Jasper.

Monty shakes his head and looks back down at the screen. "These numbers... I-I've never seen these numbers this early on.."

"What do you mean? Is that a good thing?" Asks Harper, just as confused as everyone.

Raven sighs in frustration and picks up the laptop to look at it herself. All eyes are on her and waiting for her to say something. "Holy shit... It's a success! We did it!"

Lexa gets closer and her excitement builds. "How successful?"

"Fucking successful! Our biggest launch yet! We have five stars on the app, the reviews are positive, and...." Raven's eyes widen. "Thousands upon thousands of downloads in only three days, holy shit!"

A wave of excitement passes through everyone but before they start celebrating, Monty raises his voice after looking away from his phone. "That's not even the best part. I just got an email right now from the company that has the app that allows blind or colorblind people to call users for help-"

"The one where they can video call a user?" Raven asks.

Monty nods. "Yeah, that one. Well they are proposing a partnership. They are offering to include their app as a service in ours for a limited time. But, honestly, if we keep getting these numbers... we might be able to buy that app from them and include that service permanently as completely ours."

Lexa is shocked at Monty's suggestion. If they are able to buy a whole other app, then theirs must be extremely successful.

"Damn..." Japer says. "We did it!" He exclaims in delight and everyone cheers along with him. Lexa looks up something on her phone quickly and as the celebration dies down, she calls for their attention.

"Oh my God..." She turns her phone around to show everyone the screen. "We made it to a few app review sites and all the reviews are amazing.."

Raven walks over to Lexa and grabs her phone to look at the articles. She gives Lexa back her phone and puts her fists up in the air. "We did that! We're all going out for drinks after work!" Everyone cheers and clap again.

Lexa had never experienced this type of joy and celebration at her old company. Whenever a new product was successful, the environment remained very formal. It was like they were used to a "successful product." This was definitely a nice change. It was refreshing and she was delighted to be a part of this group of people who were slowly becoming more like her family.


Since it's still a weekday, the employees at Ark Innovations do not stay at the bar very long. They eat some food there and have a couple drinks. Not nearly enough to get them tipsy. By the time Lexa gets home, it is almost eight at night.

She walks into the house and finds Clarke sitting in the middle of the living room floor surrounded with papers and folders all around her. She is wearing shorts and t-shirt, her blonde hair up in a messy bun.

"Busy night?" Asks Lexa as she approaches her.

Clarke looks up with a smile and releases a sigh. "Yeah. I'm putting the kids' folders together. They will all take home their artwork before winter break, so I have to get started on organizing everything."

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