5) Because We Don't Know Each Other

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Light rainfall hitting the window is the first thing Clarke hears when she wakes up. Before opening her eyes, she feels a heaviness pressed up against her left side. She peels her eyelids open and looks over to find Lexa curled up against her. The brunette's face is buried in Clarke's neck and has her arms around herself.

Clarke smiles a little, finding it funny how distant Lexa was just the other day. Clarke moves brown hair away from their faces and takes a deep breath. That's when she smells her shampoo on the brunette's head. She turns her head a little towards Lexa and quietly enjoys the warmth they are sharing on that chilly morning.

It had been a long night for both of them. Lexa only woke up once after they went to sleep. She had sat up and rubbed her eyes before laying back down and staring up at the ceiling. When Lexa was not awake, she would toss and turn in her sleep. Clarke didn't make it known that she was awake herself, she would only interfere if it was necessary. But it never was.

Clarke looked over at the clock and saw that it was nearly ten in the morning, she had missed Lexa's next dose of medication by almost an hour. She sighed and gently scratched Lexa's scalp a couple times before slowly moving away from the brunette. Clarke made her way out of the room as quietly as possible and down the stairs.

A few minutes later, she's back in the room and sitting next to Lexa quietly. She set down the glass of water and medicine on the nightstand. "Lexa," she whispers. Lexa stirs but doesn't wake up. "Lexa, wake up," Clarke says a little bit louder.

Lexa turns over and looks at Clarke with sleepy eyes. "What time is it?"

"Ten. It's time to take your medicine again." Lexa sits up and takes what's offered to her. After setting the glass back down on the nightstand, Clarke stands up. "You can go back to sleep for a little bit longer if you want. I'm going to go make breakfast, but if you're not up by eleven, I'm going to come wake you up so you can eat."

"It's okay," Lexa says through a yawn. "I'll be down in a few minutes."

Clarke nods before leaving the room again. Lexa looks around and her gaze freezes on the warm blankets surrounding her. She contemplates going back to sleep because she's still very tired, but she eventually convinces herself to get up and go to the bathroom before meeting Clarke downstairs.


By noon, Clarke and Lexa are sitting on the couch, looking for something to watch on TV. Clarke had made oatmeal for breakfast along with a fruit smoothie. She didn't want to give Lexa anything heavy because that would probably make her sick. The brunette was scared to eat at first, but once she finished her oatmeal, Clarke could tell that Lexa wasn't full. Without asking, Clarke served Lexa some more and the brunette gave her a shy smile before finishing it as well.

Both girls are comfortably sitting on opposite ends of the couch with blankets thrown over their legs. The only noise heard is the rain hitting the windows harder than it was earlier and the TV as Clarke flips through the channels. Surprisingly, it's Lexa who breaks the silence, "What day is it today?"

"Thursday." Clarke replies and turns to look at Lexa curiously. "Why?"

"Don't you have work?" Lexa asks carefully, almost afraid that Clarke would get mad at her for asking that.

Clarke smiles and sighs. "I did. But I took the day off to make sure you'd be okay."

Lexa looks shocked and confused. "Why? You don't have to do that."

"I know, but I want to. I want to make sure you don't get any worse."

Lexa's cheeks flush slightly and she cuts the eye contact she had with Clarke. "Still... I don't want you to change your daily routine because of me. I know I'm being a burden right now and I'm sorry-"

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