1) Too Much to Lose

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She can't believe it. Her mind can't wrap around anything that's happening. How could she not have noticed any red flags? None of this was supposed to happen.

The life that she has - or had - is all she's ever known. She has worked hard to get this marketing technologist position. Her life revolves around this company and this career. Now it's being ripped away completely.

"What?...." She asks herself in disbelief as she reads over the email for the fifth time. She usually never checks her work email on weekends but the head of her department sent everyone a text urging them to check their emails as soon as possible. That's how Lexa found herself reading an email letting everyone know that they no longer had a job.

It turns out that the company Lexa had been working for was laundering money. It was actually created with that plan in mind but none of the employees knew. They were simply hired to do their jobs. Nobody, besides the founders, knew that illegal activities were taking place. That is until local authorities began to receive suspicious tips. After months of investigation, they finally had enough evidence to arrest the founders and shut down the entire company. There were rumors that an employee had found out and told the authorities about the money laundering.

To make things worse. The founders were also paying their employees with illegal money and when the banks caught on, they froze all their accounts. Lexa's included. Now, all the money she has is the cash currently in her wallet. Which is not much.

Lexa tries to contact anyone at the company but nobody answers. Her co-workers are also left ghosted by their company and nobody knows what to do. There has to be something she can do to fix this. She has bills to pay, but the money she thought was hers is now being held by the bank.

"They can't just leave us with nothing, it wasn't our fault. We had nothing to do with this!" She huffs out in frustration.

The sudden ringing of her phone startles her and she answers immediately, thinking it's someone from the company calling to give any explanations.


"Is this Ms. Alexandria Jasmine Woods?" A man's voice replies.

"Yes, this is she." Lexa answers tentatively.

"Ms. Woods, this is Officer Jacobs calling from the police department. As I'm sure you've heard, the company you have been employed at has been under investigation for money laundering. We're going to have to bring you in for questioning."

Lexa pales and it takes her a few seconds to respond. "Officer, I don't know anything about this... I just found out about it and have no idea what is going on. I assure you I had no idea-"

"This is something that will need to be discussed further here at the station. Please come in as soon as possible."

"Okay... But I'm not sure I can help with anything, I really had no idea." Lexa insists.

"Again, Ms. Woods, we will discuss everything in detail here at the station. I advise you to come prepared to be questioned. If things are as bad as they are looking, you might need a lawyer."

"A lawyer? I did nothing wrong, why would I need a lawyer?" Lexa is starting to freak out, now that the extent of the problem is becoming more evident.

"I'm going to be honest here, Ms. Woods," the officer sighs. "It's not looking good for anyone in that company. Even if you weren't involved in the shady business, you still had that money in your possession. I would get a good lawyer if I were you because there is more I cannot discuss over the phone. I'll be expecting you soon."

The officer hangs up without another word, leaving Lexa speechless and scared.

How is she going to get out of this mess? How is she going to prove her innocence. And what else do they supposedly have on her that can't be discussed over the phone?

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