31: Dealing like a pro

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"I think it's pretty late, We should get back home."


"Talk something na."

"I'm hurt phana."

"I know type but we have to get home."

Type nodded and phana smiled.

They both stood up and got home. The house was completely silent. Drake, panit were waiting for the two to arrive whereas tharn was crying in his room and Emma was sleeping soundly. Tee was too in the living room waiting for his brother's arrival. While getting back phana quickly messaged tharn and drake. Tharn felt relieved when he saw phana's message.

Soon the two got home. Everyone was happy to see both of them. They quickly rushed to them. Type had his head hung as he kept silent when the family members bombarded them with multiple questions. Phana shook his head.

"Type..are you okay?" Tee asked.

Type nodded.

"Umm...you must be tired right? Go get some sleep." Panit said.

Type nodded again.

"I'll take him to his room." Phana interrupted them.

"Okay." Said drake as he smiled.

The two walked to tharn's room. Phana knocked on tharn door.

Quickly wiping those tears away, he ran to answer the door

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Quickly wiping those tears away, he ran to answer the door. His face lit as he smiled when he saw his baby standing before him with his head hung. Not thinking twice tharn quickly hugged his husband. Type said nothing and just let tharn do what he wanted. Tharn needed types scent. Tharn pulled back after sometime when he felt type not hugging him back. He eyed type with sad eyes. Phana signed him. Tharn nodded.

"Let's get in baby." Tharn said as held types hand. Type on the other hand slapped tharn's hand away from him and walked into the room without saying a word. Pha sighed.

"Give him some time tharn."

Tharn nodded.

"Meet me after he is asleep". Phana said


With that phana took his leave and tharn closed the door shut. He got in to see type came out of the bathroom and slipped inside the covers. He smiled sadly. Type had no idea of pain tharn was feeling at the present. Sighing tharn walked to the bed and sleep beside his husband. Type as back facing as he cried silently. Tharn who was just beside him heard type sniffing. Fresh tears escaped through his eye too.

This is all because of you mom!

It was midnight when tharn slipped out of the covers. He peeped on types side to see whether the younger was asleep or no? He smiled when he saw type sleeping peacefully. Giving a small peek on types forehead he got up. Without making a noise he slowly went to the door. Opening it silently he crawled out of the room to walk to phana's room.

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