Blessing of the Gods III

Start from the beginning

Shouichi then gets up and proceeded to exit the room all depressed. 

Karin: What's wrong with him? It's the first time I've seen him this depressed.

Fuu: I-i don't know..... It's the first time for me to see him like this..... 

Shouichi then made his way home and immediately threw himself on top of his bed.

Inner Shouichi: What am I going to do? I'm the only one that doesn't have any of that risk

As Shouichi ponders on that question he fell asleep.

(A few days later)

Fuu: Looks like that day is here. Shouichi!!! 

Shouichi: ......

Fuu: Oi, Shouichi!!!!

Shouichi: Ah!..... S-sorry.... what is it?

Fuu: Do you know what day it is today?

Shouichi: It's Sunday.

Fuu: That's not it!!

Shouichi: Then, what is it?

Itsuki on sketchbook: It's your birthday.

Fuu: To be exact,..... it's the day you were adopted to us. So with that in mind, what would you eat today? We'll invite the rest of them too.

Shouichi: Anything's fine..... I'll leave it to you guys.......

Shouichi said as he entered back to his room.

Fuu: Shouichi....... *sigh* Itsuki can you go ahead and call them? I'll go and buy some groceries

Itsuki on sketchbook: You got it......

Fuu then went out and to get some groceries. 

(Shopping District)

Fuu: Let's see, what will Shouichi like?

Butcher: Fuu-chan!! Come here!!! We got some good meat laying around!!! 

Fuu: A meat, huh? Speaking of meat, you've definitely gotta have it with udon. Oji-san!!! Give me 5 pounds of that. (Fuu said pointing at the pork meat)

Butcher: Good choice, Fuu-chan. We just laid them out! You're getting quite the meat today. Did something good happen?

Fuu: Well, it's Shouichi's birthday.

Butcher: I see, if it's Shou-chan's birthday then you've gotta do it grand!!! Here, I'll give you an extra pound for free.

Fuu: Really? Thanks for the meat, Oji-san.

Butcher: No problem!!! Just make sure you make something delicious out of that.

Fuu: You got it!!!

Fuu then went around to different stores to get the ingredients for udon.

Fuu: If I got this many, there's no way this is not enough. (Fuu said as she carried the ingredients back home)

(Inubozaki Household)

Fuu: I'm home..... Huh?! (Fuu realized that there are more shoes than usual) Looks like they've come. 

Itsuki on sketchbook: Welcome home, Onee-chan. Everyone's already here.

Yuuna: Welcome home, Fuu-senpai.

Togo: Excuse us, Fuu-senpai.

Karin: Y-yo, Fuu.

Everyone greeted Fuu with a few doubts in their face.  

Karin: Everyone thanks for coming here. Now,....... let's get this party started!!!!!

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