-4am (Tsuchako)-

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Hiya! Here's some Tsuchako as requested by @bordzharramay ! Sorry if this doesn't turn out good! Anyways that's all! Enjoy!

"I promised myself I Would never fall in love with you. But it was 4am, and we were laughing way too hard, and I felt happy for the first time in a long time, and I knew I was screwed."

Tsuyu pov:

Part of me regrets inviting her over. Maybe It was a bad idea, but I just had to see her. Her bright smile, her chocolate brown eyes, Her rosy cheeks, Her soft hair, everything about her. I missed all of her.  Over summer break thus far, I haven't gotten to see her, and its tearing me apart. She's my best friend and I haven't seen her for a month and a half. I can't wait to see her, I just hope I don't do anything I'll regret. 

"Hey Tsu!" There go the butterflies in my stomach. I offer her a small wave paired with a nervous smile, and lead her and her bags to my room.  
"So whatcha wanna do all night?!" She asked excitedly. I shrug. "I don't know, just- talk. Cuddle. I really missed you-" I replied, fidgeting with my fingers. "Sure!"

Ochako braids my hair, telling me a story that happened with her, Todoroki, and iida. She tugs a bit harder, causing me to lean back. "Sorry-" she mumbled. She finishes the braid, and grabs me by the shoulders, putting my head in her lap so we could cuddle as she talked. 

It's nearing 4am, and we've been talking and laughing all night. We're laying on the bed, facing each other and laughing at a joke she told. Before I know it, she leans in. I follow her lead, meeting her in the middle. She kissed me. Oh my god, she kissed me. I promised myself I'd never fall in love with her, but maybe I already was. 

H I-? My mental health sucks and this request took forever. It's also horrible and really short but eh, take it. Uhm, have a great day everyone! -Bunny 💖

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