- A god's gift (Bakudeku) -

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A/N: Okay, so there are a few things to note here. One, this whole thing is terribly written and is very short, the purpose of it was to get myself back into writing. Two, some translations/clarifications may need to be made. The gods listed in the aisle, are all the canonical users of one for all. And as for translations: Heiwa means peace and harmony in Japanese, and Kami means god. I got these translations from google so no promises they're correct. That's all, thank you and happy reading!


Summary: Izuku, a god who's been long forgotten by society, suddenly receives a caramel flavored candy at his altar. It is said that whoever leaves an offering at his shrine, would be under the protection of him. So, begrudgingly, Izuku now must protect the one who put it there; Katsuki Bakugo. However, the gifter somehow becomes obsessive over the god, going as far as to offer his own life in order to see Izuku "for real".

A disheveled blonde haired teen stomps through the old worshiping grounds of several gods who were known to people in Japan. Toshinori Yagi, Nana Shimura, En, Hikage Shinomori, Daigoro Banjo, and Yoichi Shigaraki. Most were still being prayed to at the new chapel built for them, all except one. Izuku Midoryia. He was known as the "forgotten" god, as no one could really remember him, or even notice him. Not a single hand even  brushed his statue to consider it for the new location. No one had left Izuku an offering in about 100 years now, give or take a little while. The blonde haired boy clumsily walks down the stoned aisle, stopping at Izuku's statue. Izuku watched from above, staring in amazement as the boy brushed dust from the offering space, and ran his hands over the cracks on the marble statue. The boy slowly knelt down, placing a caramel candy on the offering table. He looked up at the statue. "I'm not really good at this fucking 'god' bullshit, but I'm leaving you this, 'cause you're the coolest one here." He said, bowing politely before standing up. He skeptically stared at the dust covered name plate on the statue, reading it. "Izuku Midoryia- God of peace and bravery. Those who leave a gift, will in turn receive the Heiwa Kami's blessing of protection and peace bringings." The boy scoffed, unbelieving of this. Izuku sighed, begrudgingly reaching out to the snotty teen. "Katsuki Bakugo. You have Earned the protection and peaceful influence of I, the Heiwa Kami, Izuku Midoryia. You will be protected and watched over until you no longer require the service of the gods." He said, his voice booming over the empty hall, only to reach Katsukis ears. "What the hell?! Who- there's no fucking way-" Katsuki said, shock and confusion clearly spilling from him. "The first part of your protection contract, is trust. You must be trustful and faithful that I am who you called for." Izuku said, boredly.

After a couple days of convincing and annoying banter, Katsuki had finally seemed to come to terms with the fact that Izuku was a god communicating to him, and now he had questions. A lot of them.
"So, what? Have you been in like a deep sleep this whole time? How does that work?"
"I only watch over my altar when I'm scheduled to, or by summoning."
"Do you have powers?"
"I'm a god, Katsuki."
"You're going to protect me? There's no way, I'm the strongest there is!"
"I can alter fate. I'm pretty damn good protection."

"What do you look like?"
"My statue."
"Will I ever get to see you in person?"
"Can we stop with the twenty questions, now?"
Katsuki immediately stopped talking. "I bet you're really cool looking in person!" He said. Katsuki was the last person Izuku expected to be fanboying over him, but it was kinda funny regardless. "Of course I am." Izuku replied. In all reality, gods have less control than you might think, and they happen to be the most scarred beings that exist in this world. In all ways possible. But for now, that would be Izukus secret.

After weeks of Izukus guidance and protection over katsuki, the two began to make very unlikely friends. They spent a lot of time together, and Izuku happened to be just as good a therapist as a protector. He would sit for hours, watching an abundance of katsukis salty tears stream down his cheeks, as he would desperately try to wipe them away. The wiser you are, the best at advice. So Izuku would offer advice and comfort the best he could. He would watch katsuki laugh, too. The way his crimson eyes shone in the light, or the smile that lit up his face, or even the sound of his warm laugh made Izuku wish that he was mortal again, just to be able to appreciate it the way he wants to. Izuku often cracked jokes to katsuki, just to delight his senses with the beautiful sights and sounds of it. Katsuki had become incredibly infatuated with Izuku, very rarely leaving his house just so he could spend more time talking with him. One day, while studying, katsuki looked up from his notes, to speak to Izuku. "Hey, Zuku?" That was a nickname katsuki had given him. "What is it, Katsuki?" He answered. "If I died, or gave up my soul or something, would I get to see you? I'd give anything to see you in person." He asked, completely blank faced serious. Izuku just stood in shock. "...what?"

A/N: Thank you for reading, and please let me know if you want a part two or rewrite of this concept once I get more comfortable with writing again.

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