-Not your fault (Kirideku)-

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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first one shot in this book, I'm excited! So this is a long one, sorry about that, ha. If you guys want a part two of this or have any other suggestions please comment!~Author-Chan 💕

Izuku doesn't know what he should do. Bakugo is mad at him and he actually feels a threat this time, not like the countless other "threats" from the explosive boy. He Messed up and Bakugo seems far too blinded with rage to care that killing, or seriously injuring him, could get him in a lot of trouble. That or he just doesn't care, which is almost scarier. Given his situation, there isn't much Izuku can do. So he runs. With Bakugo on his heels he runs from the classroom and to the dorm building. The dorm building is only occupied by a fraction of the class, the others still being in the classroom. Currently, Kirishima, Jirou, Shouji, Tokyami, Ojirou, and Todoroki are the only people occuping the dorms. The other 14 are either still socializing in the classroom, or could be hanging around the common area. Who was doing what, Izuku was unsure of. Not that it mattered right now. About halfway to the dorm building, Izuku trips and Bakugo towers over him in a menacing manner, clearly ready to hurt him. Izuku just sits up on his hands and mentally braces himself, trying to come up with an escape plan, as he slowly moves back and away from him. Bakugo grabs Izuku by the collar of his shirt. "K-Kachaan I'm sorry...I r-really am..." He tries. "SHUT IT! AFTER...after what you did-" Bakugo says, starting off yelling, his voice melting into a low, almost hurt, and venom draped voice. "ITS TOO LATE FOR SORRY!" He yells. "I-K-kachaan..." Izuku whispers, not sure of what to say or how to express himself. Bakugo grips the collar of his shirt tighter, as if to warn him. Izuku whimpers and tries to claw at Bakugo's hand to let him go. Izuku knows he can fight but his fear of Bakugo has overwhelmed him and he finds himself useless in that sense at the moment. He can't find back right now. And Bakugo knows it. Bakugo then throws Izuku to the ground and starts aiming hits and explosions at him, leaving him with bruises, burns and scars all over his body, as he cries and struggles, unable to do anything against Bakugou. This reminded him a lot of middle school, this situation and the ones he found himself in with Bakugo in middle school are almost identical. But this is worse. Not only is Bakugo stronger, it's also Izuku's fault this time. Things started to get fuzzy for Izuku after that. Soon, he started to fade in and out of consciousness. The whole thing was a blur to him. When Izuku woke up, which was luckily only a few minutes later, he felt too weak to move. But he knew he had to. He got up slowly, feeling a lot of pain in his whole body, as well as the pounding of his head.

Izuku Pov:

I try my best to think over my situation. I know I left some stuff in the classroom but if it hasn't been too long then some of my classmates will probably still be there and might notice my injuries. I also need to avoid Kachaan. Knowing him, he probably went back to the classroom to Kaminari, Mina, and sero, who were making plans with him before...this. That or he went to grab his stuff from the classroom and his friends decided to trap him there and continue to make plans anyway. My best bet is probably to go to the dorms. My dorm, specifically. Let's hope I have my key and no one is in the common area. I'm hoping they all retreated to their dorms and won't see me at all. I feel like crying, both from physical and emotion pain. I really hope no one is in the common area. I start walking towards the actually really close dorm building, making sure to take smaller, slower steps than usual due to the dizziness and horrible pain in my leg I'm feeling. It hurts to walk. Great, I probably won't even be able to make it to recovery girl tomorrow, no less, class. At least my leg isn't too bad. I walk into the common room. And just my luck, it wasn't empty. I saw kirishima saying bye to Ojirou and Todoroki  as they walked to their dorms. I don't have to worry about Ojirou and Todoroki, as their going to their dorms and likely won't turn around and see me. But I do have to worry about Kirishima. Although, Kirishima's back is currently turned to me, if I try to go to my dorm I'll have to walk past him and he'll notice me there anyway. And it's not like I can run past him, I'm weak and in pain. I'm so screwed. Out of all the people that could be in the common room right now, it had to be him. He's so nice and cool, he'll probably stop at nothing to make sure I'm ok. Not only that, but he's also really strong and will probably just see me as weak. I am weak. He's so... good. And I'm so not. I mean I didn't even bother to escape or fight back. I really am a useless Deku. I look down at the ground, mentally preparing myself for this conversation with him. "I hope I'm able to hang out with them again soon." Kirishima says to himself, now facing me but also looking down. It seems like he's about to make his way to the kitchen. He looks up. "Oh, hey Mido-Midoriya?! What happened?! Are you ok?!" He noticed me. I slowly look up and he rushes to be in front of me. He examines me carefully. I feel like crying again. After finishing his examination of my injures, he carefully looks back up and into my eyes. "What...happened Midoriya?" He asks again. "I-um I-I'm fine..." I reply. I hadn't spoke since I woke up and my voice sounds small and broken. "That's...not what I asked." He says. My eyes well up with tears. He looks so worried for me. I don't want to worry him. I tightly hugged him as quickly as I could. Wether it was to keep my tears at bay, or to stop his worries, I'm not sure. He hugs back. "Hey, it's ok. I'm here." He says. He's so caring. We stayed in the hug for a little longer before I heard someone enter the common room. I turned around and saw him. Kachaan. I quickly grab Kirishima's wrist and start running, dragging him behind me. I can tell Kachaan is chasing us, I can hear his yelling from behind us. I keep running as fast as I can before we make it to Kirishima's dorm. It seems we lost Kachaan a little bit ago, but he's probably still looking for me. I pushed Kirishima into his dorm and rushed In myself, closing and locking his door behind me and slowly sliding down the back of the door. I hug my knees to my chest, my eyes still full of tears and my left leg in extreme pain. "Woah...Midoriya what was that? Why was Bakugo chasing you? Is he actually mad? Is he the one who hurt you? What happened?" Kirishima speaks quickly and seems confused. Slowly, I looked up at him. "I-um" I feel like if I say too much I'm going to start crying. He examines me with his eyes. "Ok, come here. You're ok, I promise." He speaks gently. I look down at my leg. I'm not sure if I'm able to get up and go over to him. He follows my eyes. "Is your leg hurt? Can you even walk? You were just running-that's not good if you're leg was hurt." He says. I just keep looking at my leg for a second before pulling my eyes away from it and slowly trying my best to stand. I successfully stood. Kirishima nods and walks towards me, helping me walk to his bed. Once we were both sitting on his bed, he tries again. "What happened?" He asks. I could feel a few tears streaming down my face and I shook my head no. I don't trust my voice. Kirishima hugs me and I start crying. No, sobbing. I try my best to explain what happened, I feel I owe it to him.  "I-it was my fault...K-Kachaan...h-He was, i-is so m-mad...I-it was an a-accident...I-I..he...could really k-kill me this time..." was all I was able to get out between sobs from three minutes of me trying to explain. Kirishima now knew as much as I'm able to tell him through my sobs. He stays silent, holding me. I continue to sob. He runs his hand through my hair to soothe me. "It's ok Midoriya. You're ok now." His voice stays gentle. I started to calm down a little, before I remembered: Kachaan's probably still looking for me. I whimper and bury my head further into Kirishima's chest. "Midoriya? What's wrong? You seem...scared again." Kirishima tries to voice his concern. "Kachaan...he's probably still looking for me..." I mumbled into Kirishima's shirt. "It's ok. If he comes here looking for you, I'll hide you. You can hangout here." He says. "R-really?" I ask back. I mean he's been really nice and I'm thankful for what he's doing for me, but he's still Kachaan's friend. Plus, why would someone as great as him want to help someone as weak and useless as me? "Yeah, of course." He replies. "T-Thank you." I said. My tears were starting to come to a stop due to Kirishima's comfort. "Anytime, Mido." He answers casually. I can feel my cheeks flush red. I sniffle once before speaking. "M-mido?" I ask, surprised at the new nickname. Kirishima smiles. "Yeah, It's my new nickname for you. It's cute, like you." He says. Did Ejirou Kirishima just call me cute?! What?! I paused, my blush still burning at my cheeks, mentally freaking out over the fact that he just called me cute. "Ah-I...didn't mean...I mean you are but...Nevermind that. You can give me a nickname too, if you want." He says. I nod my head. "H-how about I call you K-Kiri for now?" I ask. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want." He says with a small shrug. I let myself melt into Kiri's comfort, before remembering Kachaan once again. Where is he? Is he even still looking for me? It's at least been a good 15 minutes. Then I hear a loud banging on the door. "SHITTY HAIR OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!!" I heard Kachaan yell from outside the dorm. "Coming bro!" Kiri shouts back, before gesturing for me to hide in his bathroom (I don't think they have they're own bathrooms in the dorms but let's pretend they do).  I nod and make it there as fast and quietly as I can, closing and locking the door behind me.

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