-Not my scene (Momojirou)-

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Hiii! So I wasn't planning on posting this ship either but I got an idea so again, here we are. Hopefully I'll be able to finish one of my bakudeku things soon lol. So anyway, This is a college AU (this is important bc there will be alcohol involved at some point.) Also, I'm really loving the girl x girl ships atm. This also includes Tsu x Tokoyami, Todobaku, and Kirideku Also I've kinda been adding a lot of Todobaku too so sorry if you don't like that. So yeah, hope you enjoy! ~Author-Chan💖

Momo's POV:
"Aw cmon, you've never been to a party with us!" Mina whines. "Yeah, it's really cool! We have a lot of fun! Please come!" Uraraka pleads. "Guys, I've seen you come back from a party, and that alone tells me how much "fun" it is. Parties aren't where I belong and I don't think you guys should go either, you have homework and I have work tomorrow." I respond. Midoryia, Uraraka, iida, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Denki, and Mina, my friends, have been trying to get me to go to a party with them for about two months. I always refuse, even though I'm in college now I still don't feel parties are my scene. Plus, I prioritize my school work above all else. I've seen my friends get home from a party drunk countless times and I've always had to be the one to pick them up, give them headache meds in the morning, or help with whatever else they need. "What does the fact that you have to work have to do with anything if you're not going?" Denki asks. "I can't help you guys out tomorrow morning." I reply simply. "You don't help us that much." Mina mumbles. "Mhm, so are you guys ready to go? Want me to make you something to eat before you leave?" I ask. If they're planning on drinking I recommend they don't do it on empty stomachs, but every time I insist ill make them food, unless they're really hungry, they always bring it back to the whole party thing.  I know for a fact most of them haven't eaten all day. I'm not sure why my friends decided my apartment was the best place to go before a party but I assume it's so I can help them look nice and so they can beg me to join them. "No and No. we're not done talking with you yet." Mina says. I just nod. "Sure." I say. "You know, if you went to a party with us you might be able to find that roommate you've been looking for." Uraraka says. This statement might make me consider. I've been looking for a roommate for months and I don't want to borrow money from my parents forever. This makes me think of high school, for some reason. In high school our group was just me, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Midoryia, iida, and Todoroki. Tokoyami was in our group in high school too since he was Tsuyu's boyfriend at the time, but since they broke up and decided to just be friends no ones heard anything from him. Tsuyu got a friend request from someone on Facebook a few days ago that looks like it might be him, though. Mina joined the group when we first got to college, because Uraraka met her in one of her classes and thought she was cute so she started hanging out with us. Mina dragged her friend Denki along, and now here we are. Apparently Mina and Denki have a whole other friend group as well that they meet up with sometimes at parties. In high school our friend group seemed like the opposite of "party people", but while our group was kinda "goody two shoes" we are also a very friendly group, so parties just became a place where my friends could socialize and make friends.  "Hello? You there?" Mina's hand waves in front of my face. "Oh, sorry. I spaced out." I say. "Yeah, I got that. Sooo...party?" She says. I let out a small giggle. "I told you, I still don't think parties are my thing. I don't want to babysit anyone, parties are loud and crowded, and I have to finish my homework. Not to mention, I have work tomorrow." I say.  "Ok, first of all, you won't have to babysit anyone, that's iida's job. Second, you don't have to stay for long. Third, you can finish your homework after, and lastly, you can leave whenever you want so you don't have to be there late. Plus, you did say how much you wanted to find a roommate." Uraraka says. "Yeah and me and Mina's group is meeting us there and we actually wanna introduce you guys tonight." Denki adds. Mina sighs and rests her chin on her hand. "She's not gonna go anyway." She says. "Mina, if she-" Uraraka starts. Mina interrupts. "I know, but it just sucks because I wanted this to be something I can do with all my friends. And I know we can always do something else, and it's not like we go to parties every weekend or anywhere close to that, but when we tell her we're going to a party, she clears her schedule to help us get ready and stuff. Any other time she's busy." Mina says, walking back and forth and gesturing to me when mentioned. I honestly didn't know that's why Mina wanted me to go to a party with them. After what all three said, I can see why they want me to go and how it might benefit me. I think maybe I can give it a try this time. "Alright, Fine. I'll go to a party with you guys." I say. Mina turns around quickly and Uraraka looks up at me. "Wait really?!" Mina asks excitedly. "Sure, I can see why you guys want me to go and like you mentioned before, I might be able to find a roommate." I say. "Hold on-seriously? We've been begging you forever and all of a sudden you're up for it?!" Denki asks. "Yeah, I guess." I answer with a shrug. Mina, Uraraka and Denki squeal excitedly while I cover my ears. "You guys done yet?" I ask. They stop. "Yeah. Denki, go tell everyone Momo's coming and give us like 10 minutes, we have to get her ready." Mina says, gesturing at the door for Denki to leave. "Oh, and get Tsu up here." She adds while he shuts the door. "Ok, Ura, go grab the makeup bag. I'll go through her closet." Mina says. "Am I just supposed to sit here then?" I ask. "Yes, were gonna get you ready, when Tsu gets up here, she'll do your hair." Mina answers, looking through my closet. "It's just a party. I don't have to be super dressed up, do I?" I ask. Mina sighs. "Just leave it to us, alright? " she says. "Ok, sure." I say in response. "You guys really got her to come kero?" We all turn to the door to see Tsuyu. "Yeah, and it's perfect because we're actually introducing you guys to me and Denki's other friend group tonight! Can you start on her hair?" Mina answers. Tsuyu just nods and sits behind me on the bed. She brushes through my hair. "How should I do it?" She asks. "I think a bun or something should work." Uraraka responds. Tsuyu starts on my hair. "So, we get to meet your guy's meme squad? That'll be chaotic." I ask. Mina giggles. "Not really, I mean we're pretty chaotic all together, but individually we're fine. And Bakugo isn't really That into memes." She says. "Mhm, cause you and Denki aren't chaotic on your own." I say. Mina just rolls her eyes and I giggle.
Mina put me in a red halter top (that shows a little too much midriff than I'm comfortable with), and a thigh length black skirt. Uraraka did my makeup, but didn't go too crazy, which I appreciate. Tsuyu put my hair in a bun. I'm wearing hoop earrings and a choker, as well as some bracelets that are apparently matching my friends. One of the many bracelets I got was one with the pansexual flag colors on it, which I appreciate, as I really have nothing to represent my sexuality. We're all a very supportive group as far as that goes. Midoryia is gay, iida's ace, Uraraka's bi, Todoroki's Demisexual, Tsuyu is pan, Denki is bi, Mina's lesbian, and I'm pan. We are all very supportive and can talk about whatever with each other. I'm sure Mina's other friend group is just as supportive, and I'm hoping our groups can merge. We're all about to leave now. I'm nervous, but hopefully I'll make a friend or meet someone to be my roommate. Maybe one of Mina and Denki's friends will end up being my new roommate.

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