Scene 35- Changing The Perspective

Start from the beginning


*Anne's Prov*

"They did what?," I ask, still unable to believe the story Fred just told us. Sitting on the sofa, with a cup of tea in our hands, Fred tells us about the events that happened behind the ministry walls.

"They fought against Death Eaters and he-who-must-not-be-named once again," he says.

"Ron? Our brother? Fought against Death Eaters?," George asks.

"Don't act so surprised, he's friends with Potter in the end," I mumble taking a sip: "And if he managed to play a giant chess game set up by McGonagall, I wouldn't find that surprising honestly."

"Mum told me, he has a lot of injuries, some brains attacked him," Fred grins.

"Brains? Like real brains?," George grins back.

"Yes real brains," his brother nods.

"Why in Salazar's name has the ministry some brains? Some that attack?," I ask confused, but both don't listen, they are busy thinking about a way to make jumping brains that attack you work out for one of their products.

Honestly, both of them are working all of the time, a sentence I never believed myself saying.

Then we hear a knock, the fireplace lights up and Dumbledore comes out of the green flames, brushing himself off, looking around before stopping at our figures. A tired smile on his face. Fred and George immediately stop and stand up.


"what can we-"

"do for you?"

"Ahh it's always nice to see you Mister and Mister Weasley," he greets them with a gentle nod, then looking at me: "And Miss Storm. Good to see that you and Mister Weasley still get along."

I feel my cheeks burn a bit, looking onto my lap: "It's nice to see you too professor."

George and Fred still stand there, before they realize that this is their home and they have to do ask now.

"Can we bring you something to drink?," George asks.

"Oh that would be lovely," Dumbledore settles himself in one of the armchairs in front of the couch. Casting a spell, George summons a glass and a bottle of wine out of the cupboard and places it on the coffee table.

"Oh I also would rather have a cup of tea, if that's okay," Dumbledore smiles at him.

"Of course, Professor," soon a freshly made cup of tea stands in front of the Headmaster.

He takes a sip, taking a deep breath and settles himself more comfortably.

"Excuse me Dumbledore, Sir, but why are you here?," Fred asks, settling down beside him onto the other armchair.

"Do you and your brother still want to be part of the order?," he slowly asks.

"Yes," they say in unison and George stops on his way to the couch behind Fred, both of them watching Dumbledore closely.

"Good, good. Now you two are part of the order. I think we can let the formularies away now, is that alright for you Fred?," he smiles at them.

I take another sip of my tea.

"But Prof," Dumbledore gives him a sternly look: "Albus, I always thought there would be some sort of ceremony when you enter the order."

Amused Dumbledore swings his wand and transfigurates the spoon in his mug to a stick.

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