Chapter 6

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*Roman's pov*

Two months have passed since I was shot and I was on the mend..but the good thing was I was able to spend time with Sami before Kai arrives which was just weeks away...I sat in the truck with Sami as she ran some errands for the store "You need to take it're due in 4 weeks.."

Sami smiled "I'm fine is my last day till April I want this stuff done before I leave..I can't leave Naomi and Amanda to do it all alone."

I smiled slightly "Okay."

She smiled "So your date last night with Amanda how was it."

I shook my slightly "It went good."

Sami smiled "So is there a second date?"

I smiled "Yeah Sam there is."

She smiled "Good...she's good for you."

I chuckled "Like Dean is good for you?"

Sami smiled "Some wouldn't agree but I love him and he loves me...and he's been amazing these past few months."

I nodded "You know I never pictured him ever having kids...let alone a girl...he's all excited about buying all this girl stuff..."

She laughed "Oh I know."

I sighed "Have you heard anymore from Leigh?"

Sami shook her head "Not since Dean sent the stuff back."

I nodded "Probably pissed them off.."

She sighed "Trust me the stuff was beautiful but I didn't want the gifts..I wanted them to be happy for me to hop in their over priced cars and drive over and see me bring a gift if they wanted to but no they mailed it...not even to the house to the damn store."

I nodded "Dad mailed stuff."

Sami nodded "Dad also lives 6 hours away from us...not 15 minutes....and dad is excited about having a mother could care less...although I'm sure she's making sure her country club friends know she's having a granddaughter."

I nodded slightly "True...well...Kai is part Reigns part Ambrose...she'll be a tough little thing."

She smiled "If she's anything like her uncle and daddy she will be."

When we got back to the store Dean was outside leaning against his truck I laughed as he helped Sami out of the truck "Hey brother."

Dean smiled "Hey man...running errands with Sam?"

I nodded "Had to keep my sister company she could of gotten stuck behind the wheel."

He laughed "Like she can't get up on her own."

Sami shook her head "You know what fuck both you guys..."

Dean laughed "Aw baby don't be like that.."

She shook her head and went inside

I laughed "Moody.."

He nodded "But I gotta go home with that moody woman so I'm going to apologize."

I nodded and we went inside

*Dean's pov*

When we got home Sami still was upset with me..I tried everything I could think of finally I pinned her to the kitchen counter my arms on either side of her "I'm sorry."

Sami sighed "I'm miserable.."

I let my hand rest on her stomach "I know baby..Kai will be here before we know it."

She sighed "I know but look at me I'm huge...I can't even get out of my damn suv by myself."

I shook my head slightly placing both hands on her stomach "You're not're 8 months're just as beautiful as you were 8 months ago..but right now you're carrying our daughter and I beyond love you for it."

Sami looked at me with wide eyes "Dean.."

I raised an eyebrow "What's wrong?"

She shook her head "I either just pissed myself or my water broke."

I stepped back "Okay what do I do?"

Sami sighed "First I'm changing while you get the bags...then we go to the hospital."

I ran to our room and got the bags while she changed...after getting her in the car I made sure Loki was settled and locked up the didn't take long to get her checked in..sure enough it was baby time Kai was on her way..of course I called everyone especially Hunter letting him know I wouldn't be coming in for a few days...after getting off the phone with Roman I went back into the room to see her hooked up to some machines "What the hell are these for?"

She sighed "They monitor my blood pressure, contractions and her heartbeat..."

I kissed her forehead "I called everyone even your dad."

Sami nodded "Good."

I sat in the chair "Well in a few hours we'll be parents."

She smiled softly "Yeah..."

Hours passed and at about 2 am Kai entered the world with a head full of brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes weighing 5 lbs 6 ounces 17 inches long...everyone had left and decided to come back in the here I was walking around the room with this little pink bundle in my arms...I looked up my eyes meeting Sami's..."She's perfect."

Sami smiled softly "Yeah she is..."

I smiled "She looks like you..which I'm thankful for by the way.."

She nodded "Yeah..."

I walked over and leaned down pressing my lips to hers "I love you so much."

Sami smiled "I love you."

I got on the bed with her letting Kai lay on my chest...before long Sami was asleep beside me when the nurses came and took her to the nursery I settled down and got some sleep

Author's Note

Baby Kai has arrived

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