Chapter 3

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*Sami's pov*

About 5 weeks had passed since the shooting and Jey and Curtis were on the mend but my whole world was turning upside down all because of a white stick...I sat on the floor of my store bathroom staring at the 3 sticks in front of me...there was no way I could be way one careless night one missed pill could result in this...I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent Dean a text *We gotta talk will you be busy at lunch?* *No is everything alright?* *I don't know yet..I'll see you at 12..* I wiped my eyes as a knock came to the door "Yeah?"

"You okay Sam?"

I stood up opening the door "No.."

Naomi frowned "Oh sweetie what's wrong?"

I showed her the test "I'm pregnant.."

She shook her head "Maybe is a false positive?"

I sighed "I took 3..all positive.."

Naomi sighed "What are you going to do?"

I sighed "I'm going to tell Dean at lunch...I mean hopefully he doesn't freak out on me because frankly I'm a huge fucking mess right now."

She nodded "Why don't you leave for the day...see a doctor confirm it..I can handle the store today."

I sighed "Are you sure?"

Naomi nodded " go..."

I nodded slightly and left...I called my gynecologist and he was able to fit me in right was confirmed I was just under 5 weeks along..was given a due date of early was now noon and I was meeting with Dean as a diner...I sat in a booth absent mindedly stirring my sprite...I looked up as he walked up I sighed as he greeted me with a kiss to the cheek "You're gonna want to sit for this."

Dean slowly sat down "You're worrying me Sami wants going on?"

I sighed deeply "I went to take my pill this morning and realized my pills weren't adding up..I missed a day."

He shook his head slightly "We've been careful."

I shook my head "No we haven't...the night of the shooting we didn't use protection..."

Dean put his head in his hands "Are you?"

I nodded "5 weeks..."

He shook his head slightly "I gotta go...uh Captain only gave us 10 minutes."

I just stared as he pick up his keys and walked out..I threw money on the table and stormed out after him "Don't you dare walk away from me...I didn't get in this alone..."

Dean looked at me "I'm not ready to be a dad Sami.."

I threw my hands up "And you think I'm ready to out my life on hold to have a but guess what we fucked up I'm knocked up."

He shook his head "I just need to think.."

I shook my head "Go to hell Ambrose."

Dean sighed "Sami wait.."

I shook my head getting into my car and slamming the door...I went to the store...I walked in facing Naomi and Amanda fighting back tears "I told him...and he completely freaked out...he walked out."

Naomi walked over just pulling me into a hug "I'm sorry sweetie...maybe he's in shock give it a little two have been together 2 months and one mistake you're pregnant...let it sink it before you decided to end it."

I sat down "I can't do this alone."

She nodded "Even if Dean doesn't step up you won't be alone this baby is gonna have so many people there for him or her it will be ridiculous."

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