Chapter 22

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*Dean's pov*

It was easy to say Sami was still angry about the Renee situation..I was wrong for not telling her and to be honest I didn't think anything of it but looking back I realized how wrong I was...I told the guys about it and the other wives weren't happy...but Sami and I were okay we even began trying for number we had this force charity softball game while it was still warm of course all the spouses and kids were there...I watched my girls playing they were dresses in SWAT shirts with Ambrose on the back...I had to smile watching Sami standing with Naomi and Brie..I turned my head as I heard my name "Don't start Renee."

Renee smiled "Oh come on who would you rather be with stretch marks or me."

I looked at her "I love my wife..only my wife..I'm not leaving her for you or anyone else."

She smirked "Then where is she?"

I glared "Playing with our daughters.."

Renee shrugged "You want me...admit it."

"That you're a slut sure I'll admit that."

I turned my head seeing Sami "Babe..I."

Sami shook her head "I heard everything..."

I sighed "Sami.."

She looked at Renee "You think he's going to walk away from a 5 1/2 year relationship 4 years of marriage for a little blonde whore in a short skirt..try again...we've made it through getting shot...losing one especially some slut is going to come between us..."

Renee smirked "I can give him something you can't."

Sami laughed "What an std."

I put my hand on Sami's side as Seth, Roman, Curtis, Jimmy, John, Daniel and Jey walked up "Babe."

She nodded looking at Renee.."You claim he wants you..then why am I the one under him every night...why am I the one waking up in his arms...why am I the one he can't wait to get into bed...why am I the one he calls during the day just to tell me he loves me..why is he trying to have another baby with me?"

Renee's face fell "I..I.."

Sami stepped closer her voice dangerously low a side I haven't seen since high school "I'm telling you this once and only once stay away from my husband or I will just flat out beat your ass..I'm not jealous I will never be jealous...because I have him...I married're just a pathetic whore who can't stay faithful to the damn good guy she has."

She stomped her foot "Curtis you can't let her.."

Curtis shook his head "I heard it really think I'm going to let you break up my friend's marriage I may not be friends with him but she means the world to and me are done...and Hunter knows about you."

Renee's face paled "My job."

Sami just shrugged "Don't be a whore and things like this don't if you were smart you'd leave now before I decided now is the time for my girls to learn how to throw a punch."

She huffed and stormed off

I just grinned down at my wife "Now that was hot."

Sami shook her head "Oh hush."

I cupped her chin pressing my lips to her "I love you."

She smiled "I love you."

I smiled "Cmon I got a game to win."

Sami laughed "Cmon."

I smiled as we walked to the field..after game I held Sophia who was asleep on my shoulder I groaned hearing my beeper for off "Baby I'm sorry."

She sighed "Its fine I got them."

I sighed passing Sophia to her "I'm sorry."

Sami school her head "Its your job...just be careful."

I looked down at Kai who had the biggest tears in those blue eyes "Don't cry Bug daddy is going to work.."

Kai shook her head "No daddy..Nemo.."

My heart was breaking "Well baby girl I promise you I'm all yours and your sister's all day tomorrow.."

The tears grew "No daddy."

I took her little face in my hands "Daddy loves you I'll be back before you wake up."

She nodded running her eyes "Okay."

I kissed her forehead then stood up kissing Sami "I love you."

Sami nodded "I love you too."

I looked at my family then left...when I finally home it was 11pm...the girls were long asleep and more than likely so was Sami..I walked in relocking the door then headed upstairs to shower and go to bed..I walked in seeing my wife and daughters asleep in our kingsize bed..after taking a shower and getting dressed I climbed into bed only to have Sami wake up "Go back to sleep."

Sami yawned "Everything okay?"

I nodded "Attempted robbery and hold us...ended with no incident."

She nodded "Good."

I nodded "I see our girls decides our bed was better."

Sami nodded "Kai was still upset so we piled up here watching movies didn't have the heart to move them."

I smoothed Kai's mess of curls out of her face "Best thing to come home to my girls all piled up in my bed."

She smiled sleepily "Go to sleep Ambrose."

I chuckled "Gladly..I love you."

Sami mumbled "I love you too."

I watched as she fell back asleep then did the same myself

Author's Note

Sami put Renee in her place

How heart breaking was little Kai?

Is Renee gone for good?

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