Chapter 25

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*Sami's pov*

Having 3 kids definetly wasn't a walk in the park but I was loving was amazing...Kai was spending time with my dad...Sophia was at Madi' it was me and Jake...I layed Jake in his swing and began cleaning when a knock came to the door..with a doll and a build a bear in my hands I opened the door "Can help you?"

The man nodded "Sorry to disturb you ma'am we're with the highway patrol...are you the daughter of Sika Reigns?"

I felt my heart sink "Y..yes."

He frowned "I'm sorry but your father was in a serious car accident today..."

I felt my world crumble..."Oh my daughter was with him is she okay?"

He sighed "I don't know ma'am a child was taken to the hospital in serious condition."

I held onto the doorframe form support just as Naomi and Erin came racing up..."T..thank you.."

The man nodded and walked away...

I collapsed in Naomi's arms "My baby.."

Naomi helped me up "Let Erin watch Jake and I'll take you to the hospital."

I nodded and got my stuff...when we got to the hospital I ran in "Kai Ambrose where is she."

The nurse looked at me "Relation?"

I smacked the desk "I'm her fucking baby was in a car accident...where is my baby."

She nodded "I'll get a doctor ma'am."

I nodded just then Dean burst through the doors with the others..."Dean..."

Dean just pulled me into his arms his hand rest in back of my head "I'm here baby."

"I'm looking for the parents of Kia Ambrose"

I froze my fingertips digging into Dean's sides as I listen to Dean talk to the felt like my world had stopped when those worlds left his mouth..that they did all they could it was up to Kai to wake up on her own...I slowly walked I to the sweet baby girl the reason my life changed hooked up to all these machines...I was could they take her why her...why my baby...I brushed my finger across her hand "My sweet little were the best surprise I ever got...I love baby don't you never forget that...I love you with all my heart.."

Dean placed his hands on my shoulders "Baby go see your dad."

I shook my head "I'm not leaving her..."

He sighed "There is nothing we can do babe...I won't let you just sit here and wait for her to go.."

I took a deep shakey breath "What if she decides to wake up Dean...she'll need me."

Dean's voice cracked "I'll come get you I swear."

I nodded "Okay.."

He kissed my temple "Go.."

I stood up and slowly walked out and down the hall...when I got there dad was still out when I looked at my brother and cousins I just broke down "My baby..."

Roman pulled me closer and just held me "I'm so sorry Sam."

I clenched his shirt and cried...I couldn't move I couldn't speak I just cried...I sat beside the bed just watching my father..not saying a word

He kneeled in front of me "You're not blaming him are you?"

I shook my head "Never I blame the man who hit them...he walked away with just a couple stitches....our dad could 5 year old is still unconscious."

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