Chapter 19

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*Dean's pov*

Things haven't been so easy for anyone...with Seth losing Jessie he was devestated but he had Madilyn which made Jessie passing just a little easier to deal with...of course Seth had all the help he could ask for from Sami, Lindsi, Amanda and Naomi...everyone really..of course with it being just under 2 months until my daughter was due to arrive I felt so guilty as did wife was healthy...Kai was healthy and mean as ever..and Mia was growing perfectly..and my best friend was enjoying all the little moments with Madi without the woman he loved...I walked downstairs seeing my very pregnant wife standing at the counter with Kai sitting on it eating strawberries...I wrapped my arms around Sami letting my hands rest on her stomach "How are my girls?"

Sami laughed "Great..but your precious little girl is trying to eat all the strawberries out of the fruit salad I'm making for Madilyn's christening today."

I nodded "I'm still surprised Seth decided to go through with it."

She nodded putting the lid on the bowl "Its what Jessie wanted for Madilyn."

I pressed a kiss to her shoulder "I love you so much."

Sami sighed softly "I love you too."

I picked up Kai "Come on fruit monster bath time."

Kai giggled "Da!"

I laughed and carried her upstsirs and got her bathed and dressed in the dress Sami sat out...I walked into the bedroom to see Sami dressed doing her make up..I sat Kai down on the bed with her bear then got dressed myself..once were all ready we got everything and everyone loaded up we headed to the church...while Jimmy held Kai I stood up there with Seth, Roman, Sami, and Naomi...of course Jessie picked Naomi and Sami...Seth picked me and Roman...I watched Sami holding Madilyn as the priest blessed Madi..I placed a comforting hand on Seth's shoulder..when it was done we headed to where the lunch was taking place..Kai was running around with Gavin, Brie and Daniel's sons Aaron and Michael and Nikki and John's daughter Jadien...I stood with Seth "How you holding up?"

Seth sighed "I'm getting there...still hard waking up realizing she's gone..that Madi will never know how much her mother loved her."

I shook my head "Yes she will..especially if Sami has anything to say about it..we're one big family man..hell you're my friend.. My wife's best friend.. One of my daughter's godfathers...we're here no matter what."

He nodded "Thanks man."

I nodded "I can't even begin to understand what you're going through but I'm here to tall if you need to."

Seth looked at me and nodded "Thanks that means a lot."

I nodded "Its nothing."

He nodded slightly "Yeah."

I sighed...the little party went pretty well..when we got home I put Kai in her bed and went downstairs to see Sami sitting on the couch..I leaned over the back of the couch and kissed her cheek "I love you."

Sami smiled softly "I love you too."

I walked around the couch and sat down "I was thinking about something Jessie meant a lot to both of us...I was thinking about changing Mia's name."

She nodded "What did you have in mind"

I sat back " was Jessie's middle name no..and I talked to Seth about it he said Jessie would of loved it."

Sami smiled slightly "Yeah she Amelia is out...Sophia Leigh Ambrose."

I smiled "Very fitting."

She played her head on my shoulder "Indeed."

When Kai woke up spent some much needed time together as a family before the baby arrives and frankly I was happy just sitting at home watching princess movies with my girls

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