Chaper 17

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*Naomi's pov*

Last month was hard for us all it was a year since Randy passed so we all got togetjer with his parents and little Bryce and celebrated his life much like we did on his birthday last month..but today we had a lot to do at the store so me, Amanda and Sami were very busy today..with Amanda in the back Sami and I were up front I looked over at Sami who was positively glowing "So another girl?"

Sami looked at me and smiled "Amelia Leigh...we're gonna call her Mia.."

I smiled "Love the name...and after your mom."

She smiled "Dean came up with the name all on his own since he let me pick Kai's name I decided to let him..and Amelia Leigh is what he came up with."

I smiled "Its cute...but I was so sure you two would of had a boy."

Sami smiled "Maybe next time."

I laughed "Yeah.."

She smiled "Yep.."

I looked up hearing the door open to see a guy standing there "Can I held you?"

He nodded "I want you to sit down and shut up...and empty that cash register."

Sami let out a gasp the guy pulled a gun out "Naomi."

I pushed her behind me "Whatever you want just think about this...our husbands are officers.."

He laughed "Like I care.."

I felt Sami behind me no doubt sending a text to Dean or Roman...I whispered "Sami.."

Sami whispered "They're coming."

When I heard the sirens in the distance I saw something in the guys eyes snapped..I jumped as I heard the gunshot I felt nothing but heard Sami scream..I turned seeing her slowly sitting down holding her shoulder...I grabbed a shirt pressing it to her shoulder "You idiot she's pregnant!"

The guy panicked "Shit shit shit...”

I checked her over tying the shirt in place with a scarf like Jimmy taught me "It went through..stay put don't move..."

Sami nodded "Okay."

I slowly stood up as I saw Amanda crawl over "Stay down.."

Amanda nodded..

I turned putting my hands up "Look man I don't know why you're doing this..but both my colleagues are pregnant one is injured..cops and swat are outside right now you can walk out noe be arrested and live...or keep this up and leave in a body bag...either way she needs help.."

The guy freaked "Sit down and shut up!"

I moved back to Sami's side..what felt like forever passed and Sami looked so pale but I kept giving her water...when my cell buzzed I answered it with a whisper "Dean?"

"Is she my wife okay?"

I frowned "She's hurt..she's lost so much blood Dean...I can't get him to let her go.."

"Where is she now?"

I sighed my eyes watching the guy "We're behind the counter.."

"Stay put we're coming in.”

I nodes "Okay."

"Hang up and take cover.."

I hung up quickly moving Sami further down the counter..I cringed as I heated the gun fire..when it stopped I heard my name yelled "We're over here!"

Dean and Roman came running first "Sami.."

I stepped back and into my husband's arms "I'm okay.."

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