
Sam cut open his palm and let the blood drip into a bowl while speaking the spell. 

Then he handed Dean the knife and he cut his palm open and let the blood drip into the bowl. 

Toni did the same. 

I grabbed the knife and slit open my palm.

Our blood mixed together in the bowl and it lit up for a sec.

Sam "that was the first step. step two. You're up"

Toni poured some dried up plants into the bowl and said a spell.  

Suddenly the whole room started to shake. 

Sam "it's working!"

The lights went on in the bunker and you could hear the machines running. 

Suddenly the machines died down and the lights went out. 

Me "It's not working"

Sam ashed confused "what happened?"

Toni "Ketch. He knew we'd..he must have put some kind of mystical dampener on the bunker's lockdown. magic won't work"

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. 

The next day. 

Dean looked at the blueprints of the bunker "okay, we have exhausted brains, so i say we try brawn. "

Sam "how?"

Dean "Walls. Now the garage, the Crow's Nest, these are all reinforced steel walls, right?. But right here, that's nothing but concrete. Right there, that's an old sewer pipe goes straight up to the surface to the override"

Sam "so, wait a second. We're just gonna ..."

Dean "Straight Shawshank this bitch"


Dean grabbed a pickaxe and hit the wall. 

He groaned and moved away while covering his eyes. 

Me "Goggles?"

Dean nodded "Goggles"


Sam and Dean were both hitting the concrete. 

It wasn't really working. 

They sat down exhausted. 

I handed each of them a water bottle. 

Dean nodded "thanks. "

Me "you earn a break"

Dean downed the water bottle "We'll get there"

Sam shook his head "no. no, we won't. We're not gonna hit dirt for three days. Two if we're lucky"

Dean breathed out.

Sam "i know you feel it, the air, it's thin. And it's getting thinner. how did this happen?"

Dean "what part?"

Sam "all of it"

Dean "you know, wasn't long ago, i thought we had it made. we'd save the world. We got Cass back, we got Mom back. "

Sam "Elena lost her memories"

Dean "she got her memories back"

Sam "she doesn't remember she loves you"

Dean "i mean, it's wasn't perfect, but, still, we had 'em. And now.."

Sam "now they're all gone. And mom, what they did to her.."

Being Alive ( D.W)Where stories live. Discover now