Think: Chapter Thirty-One: Buried in Ash and Forgotten

Start from the beginning

"Dammit! Come here! I can't hold you like this," he shouted.

You hesitated at first, unable to determine if his anger was at you. When he leaned in your direction, you buried your face into his shoulder, letting it all out.

"Everything hurts, Bakugo. My heart hurts." Your whole body trembled. "I-I couldn't protect my friends."

Bakugo set his chin on top your head, unable to do much else. "It's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself," he spoke softly. His low rumbling voice consoled you slightly. "It's not your fault they targeted you. It's not your fault that they hurt our friends. I promise you we're going to get out of this. It will take a whole hell of a lot more to break Shitty Hair or Icy Hot. We need to be focusing on how to escape. That's what they would want us to do."

You nodded into his shoulder, sniffling.

"I'm going to ask you again. Are you okay?"

"What about you?" you mumbled into his sleeve.

"I didn't ask about me," he said.

You gulped, feeling the burn around your neck flare up in pain. He knew you weren't okay. He had to know. You were barely keeping conscious. "I'll make it," you said, biting into your bottom lip.

He hummed, clearly not believing you.

The door opened, and you and Bakugo sprung away from each other. Dabi held up a red plastic cup with a straw sticking out of it.

"If you so much as think about biting me, I'm burning you to a crisp. I don't give a shit about what Shigaraki said. Let me give the kid some orange juice." Dabi kicked over a wooden crate, skidding it past Bakugo and setting the orange juice on the dusty surface. He slid the box closer to you with the tip of his boot. Part of the contents in the cup spilled with the movement, hitting the rotting wood and soaking into it. "Drink it."

You eyed the contents suspiciously, shaking your head.

Dabi shrugged. "Suit yourself. I don't give a shit if you die from blood loss. It might lose me some points in The League, but I tried." Dabi took his seat again, looking bored. "I'm not Kobura. I don't go around poisoning shit. If I got a problem with you, I'll deal with it with my own two hands." He spread his fingers lighting his palm on fire for emphasis, before putting it out.

Bakugo would have normally sent back a sarcastic remark at that, but he kept his mouth shut. His gaze was focused on the cup. Bakugo glanced at you in concern. You took the hint. He was worried, and worried for Bakugo meant like you looked like you were on death's door. You scooted closer to the cup, taking a sip out of the straw. It was still cold, and the liquid spread through your system, relieving some of the pain that had settled in your small frame.

Dabi raised an eyebrow, smirking. He settled back again, watching the two of you with relative disinterest. You finished the orange juice, nudging the crate away from you with your boot. Dabi turned his head toward the door, as if ensuring he was alone with both of you.

"I'm going to give you a piece of advice, Little One. Not that it matters much now, though I'm not a complete idiot and know if this plan goes to shit there'll be no keeping you here." He rolled out his shoulders and sighed, as if he thought this whole "plan" of theirs was doomed from the start. "Kobura wouldn't shut up about it, so I know that you were out on a date with Shoto Todoroki. I would keep as far away from that family as I could. Endeavor is one of the biggest scumbags you'll ever meet."

"You're one to talk," Bakugo said.

Dabi chuckled. "The Todorokis have got more skeletons in their closet than men I've killed."

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