Blurry Feels xD

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"What do we need to talk about Anna?" you asked.

The two of you were in Anna's bed. She was snuggling on you.

"I don't know how to say it (Y/n)."

"Is it serious?"


"Is it about the tournament?" you asked.


"Is it me and Kristoff?"

She looked up at you and nodded. Her expression is a mix of fear and sadness.

"What is there to talk about? Don't worry, I wouldn't back out of the deal. I'll help him defeat Jack and then surrender." you said

"How could you say that? Why is it so easy for you to decide?"

She sat up and frowned at you.

"Easy? Anna, you were the one who asked me to do this. It was you who suggested this plan in the first place so why are you acting like this?"

"I don't know, okay!?" she stood up and walked back and forth with her hands on her head.

"Stop it. You're making me dizzy." you said.

"YOU are making me dizzy!" she said as she stopped and looked at you.

"You wanted this Anna. You decided on this. Don't blame it on me because I'm just doing my part of the deal. Don't worry, after our battle tomorrow, you won't see me again."

You stood up and went outside her room. Anna wanted to stop you but she didn't. She only sat on her bed and sighed.

"What am I supposed to do? Why do I have to feel like this?"


You examined the thin sword you were holding. You haven't used one of these so you were unsure of how the battle will go. You glanced at Kristoff who also seemed like he didn't know how to use it. While Jack expertly stabs it in the air. He's footwork looks good too.

"What is Queen Elsa thinking?" you whispered. "She just had to choose a game where we're entirely handicapped."

You looked at the said Queen. You can't read her expression at all. Your gaze then went to Anna who was sitting beside her. She noticed your stare. She waved at you and gave you a little smile. You only nodded and looked back at your opponents.

"Whatever. Riches, here I come." you said.

You acted immediately when the gong sounded. You went to Jack and swung the sword from above.

"Pffft. Are you serious?" he said.

He stepped to the side and stabbed the sword in your stomach twice. You stepped back and clutched on your newly opened wound.

"Shit." you whispered.

"Huh? You're bleeding? But this sword wasn't supposed to be sharp." Jack said.

Kristoff smacked Jack's head while he was distracted. The latter turned around and held onto his aching head.

"What are you? Clowns? Don't you guys know how to use a saber?" he asked.

Kristoff shook his head. Jack mocked him.

"Stupid." you whispered.

You stood up and grabbed the saber. Then lunged it repeatedly at Jack, hitting him on the back. You remembered him practicing before the start of the battle and mimicked the way he moved.

"Ow ow ow!!!" He shouted.

He turned around to fight back but Kristoff tried attacking him from behind, with no success. His attack was easily blocked. Jack stepped to the side so he could face both you and Kristoff at the same time.

"Come at me. You weaklings won't win against me and my love for Anna." Jack said.

Jack's eyes went to look down on your stomach. He smirked as your clothing was already stained red. He faked an attack on you, you stepped back to dodge, then his saber went for Kristoff.

"Damn, idiot." you said.

You ran back and swung your sword upwards, hitting Jack's own saber. It flew away making him unarmed. You pointed your weapon at him.

"You lost." you said.

"Hahaha. Not yet. Nobody said anything about using any weapons or not to fight." he said then kicked your stomach.

"Arrrgghh!!" you shouted in pain.

You stumbled to the ground and lied there. You saw Anna standing on the balcony with a worried expression.

"Weaklings!" Jack shouted.

You saw Kristoff was lying on the ground now too, getting beaten up by Jack.

"Shit." you whispered.

You forced yourself to stand. You clutched on your wound and walked closer to the two fighting men. You went behind Jack, who was on top of Kristoff, and raised your arms with your hands clasped together.


You hit Jack in the back of his head with all your strength. He fell sideways and collapsed. You offered your hand to Kristoff to help him stand but he slapped it away.

"I can stand on my own." he said.

"What's wrong with you?" you asked.


"Ugh. Whatever."

You raised your one hand to surrender but Kristoff suddenly punched you on the face.

"You're not surrendering. We will be fighting. I need to prove myself for Anna." he said.

His fists came in contact with you a lot of times. You didn't bother to fight back or dodge. You just let him beat you up.

"Stop!! Stooop!!! Kristoff stop it!! Please don't hurt (Y/n).. Please."

You heard Anna's voice. She was practically begging for Kristoff to stop. You looked up at her and saw her crying. You smiled at her before you completely lost consciousness.


You woke up on a hospital bed. You looked around and saw Anna sleeping on a chair with her head on the bed, beside you. Her hands were clasping yours.

"Anna." you called.

She opened her eyes and looked at you. She sat up immediately when she saw that you were awake.


Her loud voice echoed in the room. She then stood up to embrace you.

"I was so worried! I'm sorry you had to experience that. I don't know what came into Kristoff's head."

"You're so noisy. And don't hug me too tightly. My wounds hurt."

"Sorry." she sniffled.

"I'll be fine. But why are you here? You should be celebrating with Kristoff."

"How can I do that!? I can't just leave you like this! It's all my fault."

"It's fine, Anna. Get back home. Our deal's done so you don't have to be here. I'm taking my money and getting out of here."

"Is that all you think about?"

She stared at you, waiting for an answer. You only looked away.

"Yes, Anna. That's the only reason I stayed with you. What else would it be, right?"

"I hate you (Y/n)." she walked out, crying.

"This was the right thing to do." you whispered to yourself and sighed.


Does it feel too fast? What do you think? Tell me your honest opinions 👄👄👄

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