Wrong Turn

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"Huff huff."

You heard panting.


You kneeled behind a bush and looked around.

Then you heard them.

They were getting closer.

Many eyes shined through the woods.

You readied your bow.

You hear them howl.

Then the bushes rustled.

"Huff. huff."

There it is again.

You waited.

Then the bushes parted.

You were about to release your arrow when you realized it was a human. A woman.

The woman stopped for a moment and looked around for a hiding place. She looked back when she heard the howling. Then she ran again, frightened.

The wolves jumped off the bush looking for their prey.





Four of them.

They sniffed the air and ran towards the woman's chosen path.

"Okay. I don't need to help her. Not my business." you said.

You tiptoed away. But then you heard a scream. You sighed and ran off to the other direction.

"Damn it." you cursed.

You strapped your bow at your back and produced a hunting knife. You gripped it tightly. One wolf sighted. You inched closer and jumped on its back. The knife you held slashed on its neck and it stumbled, then fell lifeless on the ground.

"One down."

Ahead, you saw the woman stumble. The wolves surrounded her. They growl angrily.

A whistle sounded. The wolves raised their head and looked at your direction.

"Hey there fellas. Do you happen to know this guy?"

You threw the lifeless pup forward and stomped your right foot on it's stomach. They gritted their teeth and stepped towards you, leaving the other woman alone.

You smiled widely.

"Come here you babies."

You looked at the woman.

"Hey! You better start running home now!"

The wolves lunged at you. One faster than the others jumped at you. You punched it in the face and a sickening crunch was heard. It flew to the side.

"Oh for Pete's sake that hurt!" you screamed clutching your hand.

The wolves didn't stop on their tracks though. You picked up a branch and started pummeling the oncoming attackers. You were outnumbered though. A wolf got to you and bit your leg.

"Arrrrggghhh!!!" You screamed in pain.

You threw the wood and grabbed the still bloody knife in your pocket. You thrusted it in the biter's head. It let go of you. From your peripheral vision, you saw another one jump at you. You reacted too late. It tackled you to the ground.


You held onto it's head to keep its sharp teeth away. Its saliva trickled in your face. The other wolf bit your side.

"Gosh dang it!!!" You were getting weak.

Then the wolf biting you suddenly weakened its grip and slumped on the ground. You looked to the side and saw your knife jutting out of it.

"Get off of her!" you heard somebody scream.

Then a loud thump echoed and the wolf straddling you jumped off in pain. It saw the dead wolves then ran off whimpering.

You huffed. You looked up and saw the other woman. She cradled the wood she used to hit the wolf.

"Are you gonna hit me too?" You asked weakly.

She gasped and threw the wood away. She kneeled beside you.

"Are you okay? Oh of course you're not! Why would I even ask that. What to do. What to do. What should I do?" She started rambling.

You cocked your eyebrow at her.

"Maybe help me up first and then go home." you suggested.

"No! I have to clean your wounds! I can't just leave you like this! You saved me! I should return the favor. Now I just need to find something to dress your wounds."

She stood up and walked back and forth not knowing where to go.

"Okay. Alright. Calm down. Help me up first. I live just up ahead. You can help me get there and we can call it quits. Okay?"

She looked at you and thought for a second.

"I'm gonna die from blood loss if you don't decide soon." you said.

"I'm sorry." she exclaimed.

She helped you up and put your arms on her shoulder. You both walk slowly towards your place.

You arrived in front of a shabby cottage.

"This... is where you live?" the woman asked.

"Yes thank you. Now go home."

You let go of the woman and limped inside. The woman followed and supported you.

"I won't. I have to make sure you're fine first." she insisted.

"I would be fine. I don't need your help." You said.

"Don't be stubborn."

"You're the stubborn one." you retorted.

She sat you in a bed.

"Where can I get water? And what can I use to get water? Can I use these as bandages?"

"There's a river just behind this cottage. You can use that container to hold water and yes you can use that as bandages."

"Thank you. I'll be back in a sec."

She ran outside and went back with some water. She lifted your shirt but you pulled it back down.

"What the heck are you doing!?" you protested.

"I'm gonna clean your wounds. And you should probably change out of those clothes too. Where do you put your spare ones?"

"I'll do it. Just go away will you?"

"You can't even move properly. Stop arguing with me."

"Why shouldn't I? You're a stranger."

"I'm Anna."

She lifted your shirt again but this time you didn't fight back. You were too weak to argue with her anymore.

"Fine. Do whatever you want."

She smiled at you and started washing the blood from your stomach. After that she covered it with the bandages. She did the same to your leg.

"Okay. All done." she said cheerfully.

She looked at you and saw you dozed off. She smiled. When she looked outside, it was already getting dark.

"I guess it's dangerous to go out now."

She closed the door and put the plank on the lock. She sat next to you.

"Maybe I should stay here for tonight. I hope you don't mind, stranger."

She smiled and used your shoulder as her pillow.


Bee booop..

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My Next Right Thing ( Anna x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now